Search for Syntactical Constructs

The Construct tab offers additional items in the Construct palette when a syntaxClosed The analysis of the function of each word in a clause or phrase database is installed. These are the CLAUSE and PHRASE items and the Syntactical term elements (if the appropriate Syntax resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module is installed). These items are used to define clauses or phrases, and to search for the syntactical terms either within the clause or phrase, or on their own.

When these items are dragged from the palette to a column, a dialog box opens for selecting a further definition of the item.


Watch Dr. J's podcast about Understanding the Syntax for more information (based on Accordance V 11.1.3)

  • Default depth: Determines how closely related the searched terms must be relative to this phrase. The depth number indicates the number of extra levels of syntactical structure that may be present between the phrase and its found search term. For example, a depth of zero requires the element be directly inside of the phrase while a depth of 6 allows for up to 6 levels of hierarchy to be present
  • Allow hits within sub-clauses: If this option is selected, elements in other clauses will be included in the search. If the clause depth is set to 0, this setting is redundant.