Overview of Construct Items on the Palette

Parts of speech items (purple items on the Construct palette) specify the part of speech for an element. Dragging any of these items into an element column opens the Tag Details dialog box for that part of speech. You can then define the element in exactly the same manner as when entering a grammatical tag in the Search Entry box of a Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area (Set Tag Details dialog box).

Unlike the other element items, parts of speech require no further definition. If you want to specify only the part of speech, leave the details area blank. You can specify more than one alternative part of speech by placing the items for that part of speech next to each other in the element column.

Connecting items (blue items on the Construct palette) are used to specify relationships between construct elements, and are placed in the Connecting Area above the columns. Connecting items used with tagged texts are WITHIN, INTER, and AGREE.

Agreement Options for Greek Agreement Options for Hebrew


The Syntax items are available only if the appropriate resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module is installed. These are discussed in more detail in the topic Search for Syntactical Constructs.