Amplify Resources: Details

You can select a verse, word or phrase in almost any pane, and amplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. to almost any available item in the Library. The Toolbar is used to amplify to items such as Context, Word Chart, Diagram, Parsing, and Research. The type of search performed is contextual—it depends on three things: the selection itself, the content in the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element pane or tab (the source), and the moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource to which you are amplifying (the target). Each of these AmplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. resources are detailed below. Click the How To... link for detailed instructions on amplifying to that resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module.