Find an Item on the Timeline

Using the Find button, you can locate specific names and events on the Timeline. The item is added to the display on the Timeline if it is not currently shown. If necessary, an additional region is added to the Timeline to accommodate display of that item. In this case, an asterisk (*) also appears beside the Region Layer on the pop-up menu.

Found items are highlighted on the Timeline for easy identification. Once you have finished looking for specific names or events, you can remove the highlight from one or all of items you found.

  1. Click Find on the Timeline tab. The Find Name on Timeline dialog box appears.

  2. Enter a name in the Go to box, or select a name from the list.
  3. You can limit the items available in this list via the Show on list options (right side).
  4. To select contiguous items, click on a name, hold Shift, and click on another name. The first and last items selected are highlighted, and everything in between.
  5. To select non-contiguous items, click on a name, hold Ctrl+ and select one or more names. Every selected item is highlighted.
  6. Click OK. The Timeline scrolls and zooms to center on the name.
  7. The item name is displayed in the Extra Items style. To change display of these "extra" items, on the Display menu choose Set Timeline Display.
  8. Repeat these steps to find additional items on the Timeline.
  9. You can also double-click a name in the list to find it on the Timeline.