Working with Panes

Multiple panes can be displayed in the Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area, along with your main Text. These panes can be viewed in different configurations.

There are five types of panes: Text panes, Tool panes, User Note panes, Syntax panes, and Info panes. Text and Syntax panes have slightly different options than Tool and User Note panes and the Info pane. Nevertheless, you can have a mixture of any of these panes open in one Search tab.

When viewing more than one pane, only one of the panes is "selected" or activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element. The active pane is outlined in blue.

Shortcut keys can also be used to select a pane.

When looking at the content of a pane, note that:

Click the text below to view additional information about the special features of panes.

Open New PaneOpen New Pane


The Syntax item is visible only after installing a Syntax module. All available Syntax trees are listed.

The Diagram item is visible only after installing a Diagram module. Diagrams are available only for Greek tagged text.

Change the Focus of Synchronization in a PaneChange the Focus of Synchronization in a Pane

By default, all panes are tied together and content is synchronized to the topmost verse in the pane. Sometimes, you may want to change this focus, so that all additional panes (except the Text panes) are synchronized to a different verse in the active pane (and not the topmost verse).

You can change this focus very quickly: Press and click on the desired verse in the active Text pane. All tied panes except for Text panes refocus to have that verse displayed topmost in the pane, and the Info pane displays information on that verse.

Untie PanesUntie Panes

By default, all panes are tied to each other, enabling synchronized scrolling of content in all the panes, and with the Info pane updated to match based on the topmost verse in the panes.

You can temporarily untie one pane from all others by simply pressing and then scrolling through the desired pane.

You can permanently untie one or more, or all panes in the Search tab, via commands on the Action menu (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ).

  • Untie a Single Pane: On the Action menu, choose Untie Scrolling. That pane can now be scrolled without synchronization to any other pane, including the Info pane.
  • Untie All Panes: Press Shift and then open the Action menu and choose Untie All Scrolling. All panes can now be scrolled without synchronization to any other pane, including the Info pane.
  • Restore the Tie of a Single Pane: On the Action menu, choose Tie Scrolling. That pane is now tied to all other tied panes, including the Info pane.
  • Restore Tieing of All Panes: Press Shift and then open the Action menu and choose Tie All Scrolling. All panes are tied to each other, including the Info pane.

Change Pane ContentChange Pane Content

On the Pane bar, click the Text arrows and select the desired module from the pop-up menu. The Text pop-up menu lists all installed modules relevant to that pane (texts for a Text pane, Reference tools for a Tool pane, and so forth).


You cannot change the content of an Info pane.

Click the Attach button (Use this button to attach an alternate text with content not available in the Text already displayed in the pane) or press Shift when clicking the Text arrows to attach up to two additional Text modules to the Text in the pane. This is useful when viewing a Text that contains only a portion of the Bible; you can attach an additional Texts that have the rest of the content.


The additional Texts added to the Text in the secondary pane must be included in the corpora of the primary Search Text. For example, if the NRSVS (which includes the OT, NT, and Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books) is the primary Search Text, then the JSPS, RSVA, and MOUNCE-NT can be combined in the secondary pane.

You can also use shortcut keys to quickly choose and display modules in the selected pane.


If the search text is not a Biblical text, such as Qumran, the Add pane and Text pane pull-down menus show only the modules that belong to the same corpusClosed Collection of writings. In addition, changing the search text to another corpus changes all the text panes to Texts or Tools of the same corpus.

Display up to Three Texts in the Same PaneDisplay up to Three Texts in the Same Pane

Some Texts do not contain the Old and New Testament together, such as the Hebrew Old Testament or the Greek or English Septuagint. Many don't contain the Apocryphal/Deterocanonical books. You can have up to three Texts assigned to the same pane in these cases. The Combine Texts button (Use this button to attach an alternate text with content not available in the Text already displayed in the pane) is used to combine up to three Texts in the same pane. The button is blue when active (Attach button in Panes bar; a Text has been added to the pane); you can also remove an attached Text via this pop-up menu.
Note: This button only appears if the primary (search) Text in the tab has additional verses/books that are not displayed in the additional parallel pane. For example, to combine the JPSS, MOUNCE-NT, and RSVA, the pimary search Text must be a Text like the NRSVS that includes the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books.

You can also press Shift when clicking the text arrow in the Panes bar to attach a Text, or open a list of pre-defined Combined Texts via the Add Parallel pop-up menu (Combined Texts item).

In the picture below, the main text in the additional pane is the Greek Septuagint, which provides only the Old Testament. Click the Combine Two Texts button (Use this button to attach an alternate text with content not available in the Text already displayed in the pane) to attach an additional New Testament text for display in the same pane.

You can create new Combined Texts sets using the Combine Two Texts button, and manage the Combined Texts via the Manage Combined Texts dialog box.

Adding a second text to a pane

Compare Texts in Different PanesCompare Texts in Different Panes

You can compare the differences between the first two text panes of the same language.

Select Compare on the Hit Options bar (Search Results area).

This picture shows a comparison of the ESV with HCSBS versions (Genesis 1:1)

Dynamic Interlinear Display of TextDynamic Interlinear Display of Text

Dynamic Interlinear display of text provides the original language word under the main text, along with additional available information about the word (for example, transliteration, or an alternative text or translation).


The Interlinear button (Click to show Dynamic Interlinear Display of Text and related options) is not available in panes with untagged text or text with no Key Numbers. In addition, the Interlinear item is dimmed on the Action menu of the Pane bar.

  • To show Dynamic Interlinear Display of Text, from the Action pop-up menu on the Pane bar (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ), click Show Interlinear. The default Dynamic Interlinear Display of Text appears.
  • To select the type of Interlinear display, or change the default settings, on the Pane bar, click Interlinear (Click to show Dynamic Interlinear Display of Text and related options). The Interlinear pop-up menu appears.
  • The top Interlinear display set in the Interlinear pop-up menu is displayed in the pane.
  • Use the Interlinear pop-up menu to choose which items are to appear in the Dynamic Interlinear display.

Synchronized Scrolling PanesSynchronized Scrolling Panes

Scrolling of text panes is synchronized. As you scroll through the text, the top verse in every other pane in the Search tab matches the verse at the top of the selected pane.

You can override this synchronization to scroll through only the selected pane. Simply press as you drag the scrollerClosed The control you drag in the scroll bar. The panes are automatically synchronized when you return to standard scrolling (without pressing ).


This lets you line up and compare verses from different passages.

When you click the up or down arrow on the scroll bar, the selected pane moves up or down one line at a time. However, the other panes do not move until a different verse is at the top of the active pane.

Mouseover Highlighting of Parallel WordsMouseover Highlighting of Parallel Words

This is accomplished in Accordance by enabling Mouseover Highlighting in the Preferences dialog box (Instant Details area). When enabled, passing the cursor over any word in Key numbered or grammatically tagged text highlights that word.In addition, when enabled, crossover highlighting crosses over to indicate the equivalent word in a parallel pane with a Key number text or a grammatically tagged text.

Once enabled:

  • Certain texts such as the MOUNCE-NT are enhanced with Key Number Phrases. In this case, where a phrase translates a single word, the entire phrase is highlighted in the pane, with the main word in a stronger color (see picture below).
  • When there are multiple occurrences of the same word in a verse, only the word corresponding in position to the word under the cursor is highlighted.
  • If the word under the cursor has no Key number or lexical formClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word, no words are highlighted in the parallel panes.
  • You can change the color of the highlight in the Preferences.
  • Highlighting also applies to Dynamic Interlinear display of text.

Use the Action menu on the Pane BarUse the Action menu on the Pane Bar

Commands on the Action menu (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ) on the Pane bar affect only the content of that pane. Press Shift before opening the Action menu to view additional commands (marked below with an asterisk [*]).

  • Move Down or Move Up: The text changes depending on the position of the current pane. The item is dimmed if not applicable to the current pane. Click to move the pane down or up one row in the display.
  • Show Interlinear: Click to display the default Dynamic Interlinear Display of Text.
  • Enter Reading Mode: Change display of the active pane to full-screen display. Reading mode remains active until you press Escape.
  • Auto-Scroll: Click to automatically scroll through the active pane. Click anywhere outside the pane to exit Auto-Scroll. The speed of Auto-Scroll is set via the Appearance area of the Preferences dialog box.
  • Untie Scrolling or Tie Scrolling: Click to tie or untie scrolling of that Text pane from all other open panes. The other open panes remain tied and synchronized to each other, as well as to the Info pane.
  • *Untie All Scrolling or Tie All Scrolling: Click to tie or untie all panes from each other.
    This item appears only if you press Shift when opening the Action menu AND multiple tabs are tied to each other.

  • Set Text Pane Display or Set Tool Pane Display: This item varies depending on pane content. Click to change the display of the pane content temporarily or permanently for just that module.
  • About This Text: Opens a popover with additional information about the displayed resource.