The Info Pane

The Info pane displays additional information associated with the top verse in a Search or Text tab. It is opened automatically as a parallel pane in a Text tab (this feature can be disabled in the Search Tabs area of the Preferences dialog box). If not displayed by default, it is opened via the Add Parallel button on the Hit Options bar. The four sections can be hidden/revealed using the disclosure buttons ( or ); this setting is remembered the next time you open the Info pane.

Up to four sections are displayed, depending on the availability of the information, as follows:

Click on any of the headings below to show more information on that task.

Open the Info PaneOpen the Info Pane

  1. In a Search or Text tab, click Add Parallel on the Hit Options Bar.
  2. From the Add Parallel pop-up menu, choose Info Pane. The Info pane is displayed to the right of the displayed text.
    Information displayed relates to the top-most verse in the Search or Text tab.

View an Outline for the Displayed Pericope (set of verses)View an Outline for the Displayed Pericope (set of verses)

More About the Commentaries SectionMore About the Commentaries Section

This section displays the top five commentaries in the Library. You can see additional commentaries that relate to the verse by clicking the (Timeline Zoom In) button, and hide them using the (Timeline Zoom Out) button.

  • Author's name is displayed when possible.
  • As you mouse over a commentary, its content is displayed in the Instant Details.
  • Click on a commentary to open it to that verse in a new pane.
  • Shift-Click on a commentary to open it in a separate tab.
  • Press and click to open the commentary in a new zone.

More About the Cross-References SectionMore About the Cross-References Section

By default, this section displays cross-references taken from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Enhanced. If this resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module is not installed the top cross-reference moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource in your Library is used. You can also choose which cross-reference resource to use via the Set Info Display dialog box.

  • Mouse-over a Scripture link to view it in the Instant Details.
  • Click the link to open it in a Text tab.

More About the Topics SectionMore About the Topics Section

This section displays topics that have been associated with the verse.

More About the Word List SectionMore About the Word List Section

This section displays a list of words that are associated with the verse.

  • Word pop-up menu: Only displayed with Key number texts. Select Word to display words in the source text. Select Key Number to display original language words.
  • Sort pop-up menu: Words are ordered according to the following criteria:
    • Concentration: Words are ordered according to their usage within the immediate context. Frequently found words within the immediate context, but used relatively rarely in the remainder of the text, are ranked higher in the list.
    • Count: Words are ordered according to the frequency that they appear in the verse. Duplicate words are only displayed at their initial occurrence.
    • Alphabetical: Words are ordered alphabetically.
    • Verse Order: Words are ordered according to their position in the verse.

More About the Parallel Passages SectionMore About the Parallel Passages Section

This section displays any Parallels that are available for this verse.

  • Mouse-over a Scripture link to view it in the Instant Details.
  • Click on a Scripture link to open the verse in a Text tab.
  • Click on the module name (for example, Old Testament Parallels) to open it for the verse reference.
  • Click on the pericope (for example, "God Created Them Male and Female") to open the Parallel to that set of verses.

More About the My Toolset SectionMore About the My Toolset Section

This section displays your own custom set of Tools.

You can create a Toolset as follows:


While there is no limit to the number of Tools that can be added to your Toolset, the Tools can only be added one at a time.

  1. Click the Add Tool button () located next to My Toolset. The Add Tool dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select a Tool from the Add Tool drop-down menu. The selected Tool is added to the list of Tools in the Add Tool dialog box.
  3. When the desired Tools have been added to the list, click Update. The Add Tools dialog box closes and the selected tools are added to My Toolset in the Info Pane.

You can remove Tools from a Toolset as follows:

  1. Click the Add Tool button () located next to My Toolset. The Add Tool dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the Tool to be removed from the list of Tools in the Add Tool dialog box and click Delete. The selected Tool is removed from the list of Tools in the Add Tool dialog box.
  3. When the desired Tools have been deleted, click Update. The Add Tools dialog box closes and the selected tools are removed from My Toolset in the Info Pane.

Move Items in the Info PaneMove Items in the Info Pane

You can re-order items in the Info Pane as follows:

  1. Click-and-hold an Item Heading in the Info Pane.
  2. Drag the item to a new location in the Info Pane. As you drag the outline item to the new target areaClosed An area in a workspace to which a zone or tab can be moved a gray bar appears, providing a visual indicator of its new location prior to releasing the mouse and completing the action, as shown below.

Summary of Actions Possible from the Info PaneSummary of Actions Possible from the Info Pane

Area of Info Pane Click Shift+Click Command+Click Right-click and select Research Topic
Commentaries Open in a vertical parallel pane Open in a horizontal parallel pane Open in a tied Tool tab [not available]
Cross-references Open cross-reference in a Text tab [same as click] Open all cross-references in a Text tab [not available]
Topics (Main category) Open Bible dictionary in a Tool tab Search Bible for all the verses on that Topic [same as click] Open the word in a Research tab
(Person, People, Animal, Place and Text subcategories)
Open Bible dictionary in a Tool tab Search Bible for all the verses on that Topic [same as click] Open the word in a Research tab
Open Atlas in a Tool tab [same as click] [same as click] Open the word in a Research tab
Open Timeline in a Tool tab [same as click] [same as click] Open the word in a Research tab
Word List Perform word or key number search in a Text tab [same as click] [same as click] [not available]
Study Bibles Open in a vertical parallel pane Open in a horizontal parallel pane Open in a tied Tool tab [not available]
Parallel Passages Open parallels in a Tool tab [same as click] [same as click] [not available]
Grammars Open in a vertical parallel pane [same as click] [same as click] [not available]
Apparatus Open in a vertical parallel pane Open in a horizontal parallel pane Open in a tied Tool tab [not available]
Manuscripts Open in a vertical parallel pane [same as click] Open in a tied Text tab [not available]
MSS Images Open as a picture popover Open in a tied Tool tab Open image in a Tool tab [not available]

The Info Pane and Non-Biblical TextsThe Info Pane and Non-Biblical Texts

For non-Biblical texts, the Info pane has only one section, Tools. The Tools section combines any commentaries, notes, or cross-references for the corpusClosed Collection of writings.

Customize Display of the Info PaneCustomize Display of the Info Pane

You can change how content in the Info pane is displayed. In addition, you can select which Cross-reference resource is used for the Cross-reference section, as well as the Texts opened when clicking a Scripture link.

  1. In the Info pane, right-click and choose Set Info Pane Options. The Set Info Pane Display dialog box appears.


    Set Info Pane Display Dialog Box for determining how information in the Info Pane is displayed

  2. In the Set Info Pane Display dialog box, proceed as follows:
    1. Select or deselect Show Book Covers to hide show the book covers in the Info pane.
    2. Use the Size pop-up menu to set the default font size for the Info pane.
    3. Use the Cross-reference Tool pop-up menu to choose the default Tool to be used for displaying cross-references.
    4. Use the Text and Alternate Text pop-up menus for selecting the Texts displayed in the Instant Details and when clicking a Scripture Link, Topic, and all other Text-related displays generated from the Info pane.
      Changes that affect visual display are previewed in the Preview pane.
    5. To cancel your changes, click Cancel, before clicking Use as Default or OK, to exit without saving your changes
    6. Click Use as Default for your changes to be applied whenever you open an Info pane. You are asked to confirm this choice.
    7. Click OK to save and exit the dialog box.