The Parallel Panes Area: Parallel Tab

The Parallel panes are somewhat different from the text panes in the Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area.

Each Parallel pane displays a different passage from the selected pericopeClosed A set of passages (one or more verses) which have been identified as a unit (for example, parallel passages). All panes use the text version (or versions) set in the Search Entry area. The number of panes that appear when a Parallel tab initially opens is determined by the default settings.

Other differences include the Passage selector on the Pane bar, behavior of scrolling, and absence of a Navigation bar.

# Description Details
1 Passage The verse displayed in each pane is displayed as the selection on the Passage button. You can open a pop-up menu and choose a different passage for that pane.
2 New Pane ()

This button appears only if there are more passages in the pericope than there are text panes in the tab.

Click New Pane to add another pane to the tab. A message appears if there is not enough room in the tab for an additional pane.

3 Scroller

The scrollerClosed The control you drag in the scroll bar affects only the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element pane, since passages are parallel by topic and not by verse.

  • To scroll through another pane, click in it to select it.
  • If Tie Scrolling is selected in the Search Entry area, scrolling of the panes is synchronized so that each pane moves the same number of verses at a time.
  • Ctrl+Scroll to temporarily reverse the Tie Scrolling option. If selected, scrolling is not synchronized; if not selected scrolling is synchronized. You can also right-click and scroll for the same effect.
4 First Row (Primary Text) Displays the parallel verses based on the primary text selection; Bible text in these panes can be used in the same ways as text in a Search tab.
5 Second Row (Secondary Text) Displays the parallel verses based on the secondary text selection; Bible text in these panes can be used in the same ways as text in a Search tab.
6 Active Pane The blue outline indicates the active Parallel pane.