Combined Resources

When working with original language Texts, and some Texts with or without the Apocrypha, content of a parallel pane is empty if that Text is missing the verses of the primary Text in the Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area. When referring to Tools, sometimes there are two parts, one for the Old Testament, one for the New Testament—each one has to be opened separately as you navigate through the Text. These problems can be overcome using the Combined Resources feature. Here are a couple of examples:

An Accordance Podcast about working with Combined Texts can be viewed on YouTube.

Note for Experienced Users

In Accordance V10, this feature was referred to as Combined Texts. Combined Resources is the same item, with functionality expanded to include related Tools.

The pictures below relate to Texts. You can also pick two related resources and combine them, for example, the WBC-OT can be combined with the WBC-NT.