Work with Zones and Tabs

Zones are an integral part of workspaces. When a workspace first opens it consists of one zone and one tab (unless set otherwise via the Preferences dialog box).

When a new single tab is opened, such as a Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area, it appears in a workspace (titled Workspace) with a title bar below it identifying the search text. When another text is opened, the two tabs now appear inside a single zone with a title bar identifying the type of tabs.

A new zone is automatically created when a different type of tab is opened, such as a tool or a map. Additional tabs of the same type open in their respective zones. The tabs are recycled when the conditions are appropriate. New zones may appear in parallel or beneath other zones, depending on the current setup. If there is not enough space to add a new zone for a new type of tab, it opens in the largest zone available.

You can move zones, magnify zones to the full size of the workspace, set an option to determine how many zones are created automatically by Accordance, move tabs to different zones, and more. The title bar of the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element zone is highlighted, and the active tab in each zone is lighter than the other tabs, with the title in bold (as shown below).

Instructions for arranging and moving zones and tabs are provided beneath the picture. See the topic More About Tabs for information unique to working with tabs.

Example of Zones and Tabs in a Workspace

Note that one of the zones has two tabs, the others zones have one tab each. The zone on the bottom right is the active zone (indicated by the blue background to the zone area). Also note the names assigned to the zones.