Title | Contributor | Description | Version | Posted | Download |
Reading the Bible Backwards | Mark Allison | A standard Accordance tool devotional to read the Bible in a year starting at Revelation and finishing in Genesis. Get fresh eyes on the Bible! (includes deuterocanonical readings). | 11 required | 01/04/22 |  |
Hebrew Quran | Fabian | A translation of the Quran into Hebrew by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan as found on https://www.quranonline.org. | 11 required | 11/10/20 |  |
Orthodox Glossary | Rick Mansfield | Contains both a glossary of Orthodox terms and a glossary of terms often used in Ecclesiastical Calendars. Scripture references are hyperlinked, but in cases where references didn't match LXX versification (such as Psalm 140) or references to passages not found in the Protestant Bible (such as the "Song of the Three Children" in Daniel) I have created hyperlinks to Rahlf's LXX. | 11 required | 06/24/20 |  |
URCNA Doctrinal Standards | Jonathan Huber | This module contains an introduction to the three ecumenical creeds and the Three Forms of Unity, followed by the most recent translations used in the 2018 Trinity Psalter Hymnal. The text is taken with permission from the URCNA website. | 11 required | 05/02/20 |  |
How to Read the Holy Scriptures by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose | Rick Mansfield | "How to Read the Holy Scriptures”--From a lecture delivered by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose at the 1979 St. Herman Pilgrimage, Platina, CA | 11 required | 11/09/18 |  |
9 Keys Orthodox Christianity | Rick Mansfield | Nine Keys to Understanding Orthodox Christianity | 11 Required | 10/16/18 |  |
M55 Maxims for Christian Living (Fr. Thomas Hopko) | Rick Mansfield | A module containing 55 Maxims for Christian Living by Fr. Thomas Hopko | 11 Required | 10/15/18 |  |
Messianic Prophecies | Lyle Phillips | A module containing scripture links to the prophecies concerning the Messiah. | 11 Required | 03/04/17 |  |
The Miracles of Jesus | Lyle Phillips | A module containing scripture references to the miracles that Jesus performed. | 11 Required | 03/04/17 |  |
Akathist Hymn | Rick Mansfield | This Akathist, also called the "Akathist of Thanksgiving," was found among the effects of Protopresbyter Gregory Petrov upon his death in a prison camp in 1940. The title is from the words of Saint John Chrysostom as he was dying in exile. It is a song of praise from amidst the most terrible sufferings attributed to Metropolitan Tryphon of Turkestan. | 11 required | 11/20/16 |  |
Luke, Hebrews and 2 Corinthians reading plan | Daniel Semler | This is a workspace and user tool with a reading plan keyed the NA28 text and for 2017 for reading Luke, Hebrew and 2nd Corinthians in a year. | 11 Required | 09/12/16 |  |
OT Prophecies of Jesus | Lyle Phillips | This tool gives over 300 Old Testament prophetic references to Jesus, the Messiah with the corresponding New Testament fulfillment. | 11 Required | 08/06/16 |  |
Daily Prayers | Floyd Costello | A daily prayer journal starting with July 2016 to June 2017. Please send me any suggestions to make this a better tool. | 11 Required | 07/05/16 |  |
Aristotle's Poetics | Doug Fyfe | An English translation of Aristotle's work Poetics Aristotle's (384-322 BC) famous work on Poetics. In it, he works through definitional questions and compares different forms of dramatic presentation in conversation with his peers and predecessors. Text from University of Adelaide. | 11 Required | 05/28/16 |  |
Kingdom Bible Reading Plan | Trevor Akin | A transcription of the KINGDOM Bible Reading Plan which can be found accessed here. | 11 Required | 04/07/16 |  |
New Sample User Tool for Acc 11.1.2 | Tim Jenney | A thoroughly revised and updated sample User Tool, which provides detailed instructions for creating a User Tool. | 11.1.2 Required | 12/16/15 |  |
Address of Pope Francis to the United States Congress | Rick Mansfield | Address of Pope Francis of the Holy See to the United States Congress. Washington DC. September 24, 2015. | 11.0 Required | 09/25/15 |  |
The Lausanne Covenant | Paul Hong | This user tool contains the entire contents of the Lausanne Covenant, which is publicly distributed by the Lausanne Movement.Specially edited as an Accordance User Tool. | 11.0 Required | 7/02/15 |  |
A Paschal Homily by St John Chrysostom | Rick Mansfield | Chrysostom's Paschal Homily in Greek & English | 11.0 Required | 3/30/15 |  |
The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky | Rick Mansfield | The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Originally written in 1869. | 11.0 Required | 2/15/15 |  |
Descartes Discourse on Method | Rick Mansfield | Discourse on Method by Rene Descarte, translated into English. Part IV contains the famous statement, "I think, therefore I am" (cogito ergo sum). Originally written in 1637. | 11.0 Required | 2/12/15 |  |
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe | Rick Mansfield | The Life & Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe | 11.0 Required | 2/8/15 |  |
Didascalia Apostolorum | Rick Mansfield | Didascalia Apostolorum is a Christian treatise which belongs to the genre of the Church Orders. It presents itself as being written by the 12 Apostles at the time of the Council of Jerusalem; however, scholars agree that it was actually a composition of the 3rd century, perhaps around 230 AD. | 11.0 Required | 2/8/15 |  |
Aesop's Fables | Rick Mansfield | 1912 edition of Aesop's Fables translated by V. S. Venon Jones. | 11.0 Required | 2/7/15 |  |
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce | Rick Mansfield | The classic Civil War-era short story by Ambrose Bierce | 11.0 Required | 2/7/15 |  |
Luther's Latin Theses | Rick Mansfield | Original Latin Text of Luther's 95 Theses | 11.0 Required | 2/7/15 |  |
Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome | Rick Mansfield | Originally published in 1889 by Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat is a humorous account of a boating holiday on the Thames between Kingston and Oxford. | 11.0 Required | 2/7/15 |  |
Edgar Allen Poe's The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether | Rick Mansfield | "The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether" by Edgar Allan Poe (1856) | 11.0 Required | 1/16/15 |  |
'Greek Psalms in a Year' schedule | Lorinda Hoover | A schedule for 2015 for the 'Greek Psalms in a Year' project. | 11.0 Required | 12/15/14 |  |
A Greek Primer | Tony Thomas | A Greek Primer, For Beginners in New Testament Greek, μηδὲν ἄγαν by Wallace N. Stearns | 11.0 Required | 11/21/14 |  |
This is Spinal Tap script | Graham Buck | To celebrate Accordance 11 "turning it up to 11", here is the script for This is Spinal Tap | 11 "absolutely" required | 09/14/2014 |  |
Alliterated Sermon Outlines | Nathan Parker | John G. Butler's Alliterated Sermon Outlines | 10 Required | 09/14/2014 |  |
Faith and Regeneration - Spurgeon | Tony Thomas | A sermon by C. H. Spurgeon. Delivered on Lord's-day Morning, March 5, 1871 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. | 10 Required | 09/14/2014 |  |
Puritan Catechism | Tony Thomas | Puritan Catechism - C. H. Spurgeon. Based on a Christian Classics Ethereal Library file. Many thanks to them. | 10 Required | 09/14/2014 |  |
Scots Confession of 1560 | Tony Thomas | Along with the Book of Discipline and the Book of Common Order, this is considered to be a formational document for the Church of Scotland. | 10 Required | 09/14/2014 |  |
Early Confessions of the Church (updated) | Tony Thomas | Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (updated version) | 10 Required | 09/14/2014 |  |
Ralph Erskine Sermons | Greg Terry | A selection of sermons and short excerpts from Ralph Erskine. With his brother Ebenezer had great influence on Thomas Boston. Text provided with permission by Alan Newble and his Scottish Preachers' Hall of Fame website | 10 Required | 08/13/2014 |  |
"Mystery of Faith" by Gray | Greg Terry. | A series of 5 sermons by Andrew Gray (the youngest Puritan) who died before his 22nd birthday with great anticipated hope of heaven. The series of sermons is on 1John 3:23. Text provided with permission by Alan Newble and his Scottish Preachers' Hall of Fame website. | 10 Required | 08/13/2014 |  |
Sexual Sin and Sexual Purity | Jack D. Gilbert, Jr. | Various blog articles and sermons about sexual sin and sexual purity. Mostly from Desiring God. | 10 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
"Book of Common Prayer" 1979 | Greg Terry | The "Book of Common Prayer", 1979 edition. This is the current edition of the BCP for the USA Episcopal Church. | 10 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
"Sermons to the Natural Man" by W.G.T. Shedd | Greg Terry | "Sermons to the Natural Man" by W. G. T. Shedd from Project Gutenberg. Many thanks to them. | 9 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
"Apology of the Church of England" | Greg Terry | "Apology of the Church of England" by John Jewel from Project Gutenberg. Many thanks to them. | 10 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
"The Lord's Prayer" by Thomas Watson | Greg Terry | "The Lord's Prayer" was originally part of the "Body of Divinity" also by Thomas Watson. Adapted from a Christian Classics Ethereal Library file. Many thanks to them. | 10 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
"The Ten Commandments" by Thomas Watson | Greg Terry | "The Ten Commandments" was originally part of the "Body of Divinity" also by Thomas Watson. Adapted from a Christian Classics Ethereal Library file. Many thanks to them. | 10 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
"Altogether Lovely" by John Flavel | Greg Terry | "Altogether Lovely" by John Flavel adapted from a Christian Classics Ethereal Library text. Many thanks to them. | 9 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
"The Rent Veil" by Horatius Bonar | Greg Terry | "The Rent Veil" adapted from a file provided by Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Many thanks to them. | 10 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
Andrewes devotions | Greg Terry | Private prayers of Bishop Andrewes that have been translated from Greek, Hebrew, and Latin and adapted for general public use. Adapted from a file downloaded from Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Many thanks to them. | 10 Required | 07/31/2014 |  |
Sermons by Hugh Latimer | Greg Terry | A collection of Sermons by Hugh Latimer from Christian Classics Ethereal Library text. | 9 Required | 07/25/2014 |  |
"Change of the Sabbath" by Shepard | Greg Terry | A treatise on the Change of the Sabbath day by Thomas Shepard, from Christian Classics Ethereal Library text. | 9 Required | 07/25/2014 |  |
"Philosophy of Religion" by Bavinck | Greg Terry | A series of Lectures by Herman Bavinck on the Philosophy of Religion, from Christian Classics Ethereal Library. text. | 9 Required | 07/25/2014 |  |
"Lectures on Acts of the Apostles" by Dick | Greg Terry | A series of Lectures on Acts by John Dick, from Christian Classics Ethereal Library text. | 9 Required | 07/25/2014 |  |
Sermon for John Owen's funeral | Greg Terry | Sermon preached by David Clarkson the Sunday following John Owen's burial, from Christian Classics Ethereal Library text. | 9 Required | 07/25/2014 |  |
Body of Divinity | Greg Terry | Sermons on the Westminster Shorter Catechism by Thomas Watson, from Christian Classics Ethereal Library text. | 9 Required | 07/25/2014 |  |
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail" | Rick Mansfield | Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." The text source is from the African studies center - University of Pennsylvania | 9 Required | 04/26/2014 |  |
1689 2nd London Baptist Confession | Dustin Battles | The 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession is an excellent, though not inspired, expression of the teaching of those Holy Scriptures that salvation is through Christ alone and by faith alone. | 9 Required | 04/26/2014 |  |
Poole's Annotations on the Bible. | Steven King | A commentary on the whole Bible in English by Matthew Poole (1624-1679), written in the late 17th century. The underlying etext was generously provided by Larry Brown of Grace e-books | 9 Required | 01/03/2014 |  |
Gill's exposition, OT. | Steven King | A commentary on the Old Testament in English by the British Baptist John Gill, written in the 18th century. The underlying etext was generously provided by Larry Brown of Grace e-books.
| 9 Required | 01/03/2014 |  |
Gill's exposition, NT. | Steven King | A commentary on the New Testament Testament in English by the British Baptist John Gill, written in the 18th century. The underlying etext was generously provided by Larry Brown of Grace e-books. | 9 Required | 01/03/2014 |  |
Lincoln's Gettysburg address | Rick Mansfield | Lincoln's address delivered after the Battle of Gettysburg in November 1863. | 9 Required | 01/03/2014 |  |
US Declaration of Independence | Rick Mansfield | The Declaration of Independence of the Continental Congress, 1776. | 9 Required | 01/03/2014 |  |
Joan of Arc - Twain | Rick Mansfield | The Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc in two volumes by the Sieur Louis de Conte (Mark Twain). Adapted from the Gutenberg Project text. | 9 Required | 08/01/2013 |  |
Mayor of Casterbridge | Rick Mansfield | The Mayor of Casterbridge: The Life and Death of a Man of Character by Thomas Hardy. 1867 edition, based on the Gutenberg Project text. | 9 Required | 08/01/2013 |  |
Great Expectations | Rick Mansfield | 1867 edition of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Based on the Gutenberg Project text.. | 9 Required | 08/01/2013 |  |
The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity | Rick Mansfield | The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity in English from public domain texts. | 9 Required | 08/01/2013 |  |
Acts of the Scillitan Martyrs | Rick Mansfield | The Acts of the Scillitan Martyrs in both Latin and English from public domain sources.. | 9 Required | 08/01/2013 |  |
Bartleby the Scrivener | Rick Mansfield | Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville. Adapted from the Gutenberg Project text. | 9 Required | 07/24/2013 |  |
Moby Dick | Rick Mansfield | Moby Dick; or The Whale by Herman Melville. It is adapted from the Gutenberg Project text and in the public domain. | 9 Required | 07/24/2013 |  |
List of commentary authors | Tony Lawrence | Tony Lawrence has made a user tool with the name of the authors of the commentaries in Accordance as of June 2013. | 9 Required | 06/07/2013 |  |
Phaedo: The Last Hours of Socrates | Rick Mansfield | Phaedo: The Last Hours of Socrates by Plato. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. Adapted from the Gutenberg Project text. This file is in the public domain. | 9 Required | 06/04/2013 |  |
Abelard's Misfortunes | Rick Mansfield | Historia Calamitatum or The Story of My Misfortunes, An Autobiography by Peter Abelard. Translated by Henry Adams Bellows. Adapted from The Christian Classics Ethereal Library text. This text is in the public domain. | 9 Required | 06/04/2013 |  |
The Letters of Abelard and Heloise | Rick Mansfield | 1903 edition of The Love Letters of Abelard & Heloise by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, based upon the 1722 Latin text. Adapted from the Gutenberg Project text. | 9 Required | 06/04/2013 |  |
Catholic Reading Plan | Daniel Francis | A simple reading plan for reading the Catholic Bible in one year. For chapter and verse breaks, they have used the numbering scheme of the New American Bible (old edition). If you use another translation with this chart, the numbers may not correspond exactly. | 9 Required | 03/01/2013 |  |
Read Calvin's Institutes in a Year | Steve King | A tool to help you read Calvin's Institutes in a year. Developed by Steve King with permission from the Foundation for Reformed Theology | 9 Required | 10/31/12 |  |
Accordance Search Helps | James Tucker | James has created an Accordance Search Cheat Sheet User Tool. It contains a summary of the search commands with a brief description of the command's usage as well as links to the Accordance Help Tool. This User Tool is not an official Accordance Product, and is not for resale. | 9 Required | 10/31/12 |  |
The 613 Mitzvot | Frank McFee | The 613 Mitzvot ("laws") are listed and organized into categories that the author adopted from Pastor Mark Blitz at El Shaddai Ministries along with links to the reference Scriptures. | 8 Required | 10/27/12 |  |
Chronology of the New Testament | Jonathan Huber | John Piper's analysis and chronology of the New Testament from Desiring God Ministries Used by permission. | 8 Required | 09/30/12 |  |
Chron NT and Psalms Reading Guide | Terry Enns | Chronological NT and Psalms Bible Reading Plan. This Bible reading plan (arranged for 2012) is a chronological arrangement of the NT with the addition of a sequential reading of the Psalms on Sundays. | 8 Required | 12/30/11 |  |
Huckleberry Finn | Rick Mansfield | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 12/30/11 |  |
Pilgrim's Progress | Rick Mansfield | The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 12/30/11 |  |
Historical Intro | Steve Bauer | F. Bente's Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Public domain, from Northwestern Publishing House. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |
Companion to the Bible | Kenneth L. Hall | By Rev. E. P. Barrows, D.D. Designed to assist in Bible study, esp. for Sunday School teachers, Bible teachers, ministers, and intelligent laymen and women desiring more thorough and systematic study of the Scriptures. Contains sections on Evidences of Revealed Religion, Introduction to the Old Testament, Introduction to the New Testament, and Principles of Biblical Interpretation. Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |
Das verlorene Paradies | Johannes Otto | John Milton, Das verlorene Paradies (Paradise Lost) in German. Gemeinfrei / Public Domain from Zeno.org. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |
Anselm | Johannes Otto | Anselm von Canterbury, Cur Deus Homo (in German: Warum Gott Mensch geworden). Gemeinfrei / Public Domain from Zeno.org. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |
Augsburger Bekenntnis | Johannes Otto | The Augsburg Confession (Das Augsburger Bekenntnis, 1530) in German. Gemeinfrei / Public Domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |
Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen | Johannes Otto | Martin Luther, Ein Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen, 1530 (German). Gemeinfrei / Public Domain from Zeno.org. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |
95 Thesen | Johannes Otto | The 95 Thesis of Martin Luther in German (1517). Gemeinfrei / Public Domain from Reformation Heute. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |
OT Legends-MR James | Dru Brooke-Taylor | Legends of the Old Testament form the Pseudepigrapha, retold for children by M. R. James. Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 8/17/10 |  |
Bp Ellicott on Revised Version | Dru Brooke-Taylor | Addresses by Bishop Ellicott on the translation of the Revised Version (precursor of ASV). Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 8/11/10 |  |
Gerard Manley Hopkins' Poems | Dru Brooke-Taylor | The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, First Edition edited and published by Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate in 1919. Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 8/11/10 |  |
Messenger's Hymns first 3 Centuries | Dru Brooke-Taylor | Christian Hymns of the First Three Centuries by Ruth Ellis Messenger, Paper IX of the Hymn Society of America. Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 8/1/10 |  |
Browne Church before Augustine | Dru Brooke-Taylor | History of the British Church before the mission of St Augustine of Canterbury to the Anglo Saxons. Public domain, from Project Gutenberg. | 8 Required | 8/1/10 |  |
Hobbins' Reader | Daniel and Tonya | The John F. Hobbins Reader: A collection of essays and posts by John Hobbins on Biblical Hebrew and the Hebrew Bible. Pedagogical help for Biblical Hebrew as well as translations and explanations of various Hebrew Bible passages. | 8 Required | 10/24/09 |  |
Wallace-TextCriticism | Daniel and Tonya | Various online articles on textual criticism from Daniel Wallace. | 8 Required | 10/24/09 |  |
2nd Helvetic | Robert Cosby | The Second Helvetic Confession, written by Bullinger in 1562, was adopted by the Reformed Church. | 7 Required | 5/06/09 |  |
Baptist Catechism | Robert Cosby | A slightly modernized and edited version of a document published by order of the Particular Baptist General Assembly which met in London in 1693. | 7 Required | 5/06/09 |  |
Paradise Lost | Marshall Fant | The greatest English Language epic ever written, Paradise Lost by John Milton is an essential read for all Christians. Public domain text from the Gutenberg Project. | 7 Required | 4/24/09 |  |
Odes Parallels | Lorinda Hoover | A list of the Scriptural sources for the 14 Odes in the Odes of Solomon. Helpful since none of the English Septuagint modules in Accordance include an English translation of Odes. From Wikipedia. | 7 Required | 4/24/09 |  |
Confessions | Ahshuwah Hawthorne | Confessions of Augustine. Public domain. | 7 Required | 4/24/09 |  |
Letters of John Newton | Ahshuwah Hawthorne | Letters of Encouragement and Letters from Olney. Public domain. | 7 Required | 4/24/09 |  |
Muller Answers to Prayer | Ahshuwah Hawthorne | Answers to Prayer, by George Muller. Public domain text from the Gutenberg Project. | 7 Required | 4/24/09 |  |
Olney Hymns | Ahshuwah Hawthorne | Olney Hymns by John Newton. Public Domain. | 7 Required | 4/24/09 |  |
Wilberforce | Ahshuwah Hawthorne | A Practical View, &c., by William Wilberforce. Public domain text from the Gutenberg Project. | 7 Required | 4/24/09 |  |
Sermon Illustrations | Nathan Parker | This User Tool contains stories and anecdotes which could be used as illustrations in a sermon or speech. We would like to see this grow as others contribute additional illustrations. | 7 required | 4/24/09 |  |
Conflict of Ages Series | Sean Reed | The file contains five user tools which make up the Conflict of the Ages series, a set of five books by Ellen White (one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church). Public domain. Origin: The Writings of Ellen G. Wright. | 7 required | 7/5/08 |  |
Owen Death of Death | Liam Rutherford | A summary of John Owen's Death of Death in the Death of Christ. | 7 required | 7/5/08 |  |
Zondervan Plans | B. Kirksey | Zondervan Bible Reading Plans. A product of Zondervan, previously available on the Zondervan website, and in several Zondervan books and Bibles. Used by permission. | 7 required | 7/5/08 |  |
Distinguishing Marks | Nathan Parker | A Christian Classic by Jonathan Edwards (minor update) | 7 required | 7/5/08 |  |
Park Place Sermons | Nathan Parker | Weekly sermon outlines of Park Place Baptist Church (minor update) | 7 required | 7/5/08 |  |
Justification by Faith | John L. Rutherford | A summary of John Owen's The Doctrine of Justification by Faith through the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness. | 7 required | 5/5/08 |  |
Wizard of Oz | Rick Mansfield | The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. The classic American fairy tale written in 1900. Public Domain text from the Gutenberg Project | 7 required | 5/5/08 |  |
Orthodoxy | Rick Mansfield | Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton, A classic work of Christian apologetics. Public Domain text from the Gutenberg Project | 7 required | 5/5/08 |  |
Baptist Faith and Message | Rick Mansfield | The Baptist Faith and Message is the official confession of faith for the Southern Baptist Convention. This user tool contains the original 1925 confession plus its 1963 and 2000 revisions all in one module. Public Domain text from the Gutenberg Project | 7 required | 5/5/08 |  |
Beowulf (Gummere's Translation) | Rick Mansfield | Modern English version of the 11th century epic Beowulf translated by Robert Barton Gummere (1855-1919), taken from the Project Gutenberg text. | 7 required | 4/2/08 |  |
Trinity Essay | Robb Brunansky | Jonathan Edwards' unpublished essay on the Trinity. Public Domain text | 7 required | 8/7/07 |  |
Piper on Hebrews | Gregory Dietrich | John Piper's Sermons on Hebrews fromDesiring God Ministries | 7 required | 5/26/07 |  |
Mortification - Owen | Robb Brunansky | Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers John Owen's work on how believers are to mortify sin in their lives. Public Domain text from CCEL | 7 required | 5/26/07 |  |
Lukan Advent | Lorinda Hoover | Readings and Liturgy for Advent | 7 Required | 5/23/07 |  |
Lectionary | David Martyn | Years A, B, and C of the Revised Common Lectionary copyright 1992 Consultation on Common Texts. Used by permission. | 7 Required | 5/18/07 |  |
Narrative Lectionary | not known | A lectionary based on the Narrative Lectionary found at Working Preacher | 7 Required | 5/18/07 |  |
Life Lessons | Dave Walters | Contains thousands of sermon illustrations. The text is in the public domain, and was derived from E-Sword for Windows. Used by permission. | 5.7 Required | 5/25/04 |  |
Iliad of Homer | David Lang | The text of Homer's Iliad, translated by Leaf, Lang, and Myers | 5.7 Required | 5/25/04 |  |
Greek Grammar Tags | Ken Thompson | A User Tool containing the Accordance Help explanations of the various Greek grammatical tags. | 5.7 Required | 5/25/04 |  |
Hebrew Grammar Tags | Ken Thompson | A User Tool containing the Accordance Help explanations of the various Hebrew grammatical tags. | 5.7 Required | 5/25/04 |  |
Augsburg Confession | Chris Rosebrough | The text of the 1530 Augsburg Confession | 5.7 Required | 1/20/04 |  |
Qu'ran (Pickthall Translation) | Ron Tavalin | Mohammad Marmaduke Pickthall's English translation of the Qu'ran | 5.7 Required | 1/20/04 |  |
Piper on Translations | David Lang | John Piper discusses what he sees as the relative merits of several major English translations of the Bible. Material copyright Desiring God Ministries. | 5.7 Required | 1/20/04 |  |
Robert Murray M'Cheyne's Bible Reading Plan | Michael Sweetland | Robert Murray M'Cheyne's Calendar for Reading through the Word of God in a Year includes daily readings both for family worship and private reading. | 5.7 Required | 1/1/04 |  |
Revised Common Lectionary (Year C) | David Glasgow | Scripture readings for every Sunday and Christian holiday from December 2003 through November 2004. Taken from the Revised Common Lectionary. | 5.7 Required | 1/1/04 |  |
Edwards' Thanksgiving Sermon | Michael Sweetland | A Thanksgiving sermon by Jonathan Edwards. | 5.7 Required | 11/25/03 |  |
Josephus on Hades | David Lang | The Accordance Josephus module does not currently include Josephus' tract on Hades. This little user tool fills that void. | 5.0 Required | 2/19/03 |  |
Revised Common Lectionary (Year B) | David Glasgow | Scripture readings for every Sunday and Christian holiday from December 2002 through November 2003. Taken from the Revised Common Lectionary. | 5.0 Required | 1/18/03 |  |
The Heart Cry of Jesus by Byron J. Rees | Thomas Lynch | An exposition of sanctification from a Pentecostal/Holiness perspective. | 5.0 Required | 1/18/03 |  |
Luther's Catechism | Thomas Lynch | The Large Catechism by Martin Luther. | 5.0 Required | 1/18/03 |  |
The Westminster Confession | Thomas Lynch | If you don't have the Creeds module that comes with the Creeds module, or the Schaff module, you'll benefit from this User Tool containing the Westminster Confession of Faith. | 5.0 Required | 1/18/03 |  |
Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer | Josh Lindquist | Calvary Chapel used to offer a library of public domain books on their web-site, including Tozer's Pursuit of God. Thanks to Josh Lindquist, this classic devotional work is now available as a User Tool. | 5.0 Required | 10/14/02 |  |
Last Days Ministries Articles | Josh Tellone | Last Days Ministries (the ministry of Keith and Melody Green) offers an extensive collection of free articles on their web-site, which Josh Tellone has converted into a series of Accordance User Tools. | 5.0 Required | 10/14/02 |  |
Sermons by J. David Hoke | Jack Caviness | This collection of sermons by J. David Hoke, pastor of New Horizons Community Church in Voorhees, NJ and chaplain of the Philadelphia Eagles, has been made available as an Accordance User Tool by Jack Caviness, who describes them as a "valuable resource for sermon preparation". | 5.0 Required | 1/15/02 |  |
American Heroes | | Inspiring stories from American history, as told by Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt. | 5.0 Required | 9/24/01 |  |
CRC Confessions | Don Cowart | Ecumenical creeds and Doctrinal Standards of the Christian Reformed Church of North America. Includes the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds, as well as the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, and more. | 5.0 Required | 9/7/01 |  |
Turretin | David Lang | A User Tool containing several articles by Francis Turretin, the 17th-century Genevan pastor and theologian. | 5.0 Required | 9/7/01 |  |