Title | Contributor | Description | Version | Posted | Download |
Chronological Qu'ran | Fabian | A chronological reconstruction of the the Suras of the Qu'ran. This contains an explanatory document (in German) and a search ranges document. Instructions to install: Replace the Search Ranges file in the Accordance Preferences folder (in user/Library/Preferences for OS X, and in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Accordance\Accordance Preferences for Windows. To see the user/Library on Sierra/El Capitan/Mavericks/Lion/Mountain Lion, press option as you open the Go menu. You cannot access these Preferences easily for the AppStore version of Accordance 10.) | 12 required | 02/15/21 |  |
Sources | Mark Allison | Highlighting the Documentary Hypothesis using the Anderson-Forbes database. | 12 Required | 12/12/20 |  |
Understanding NT Greek Morphological Coding | Mark Hoffman | This highlight file provides the morphological coding scheme for MGV Hoffman's Understanding NT Greek. grammar module. It only works for the NA28 text. | 7 Required | 07/28/18 |  |
Toggle Off Highlights | Mark Hoffman | A person may use a variety of highlighting schemes, but this simply toggles highlighting off until you reselect the scheme you want. | 7 Required | 07/28/18 |  |
Morph coding for GNT | Mark Hoffman | This HLT file provides a system of color coding morphological elements in the Greek New Testament. An accompanying PDF explains the logic of the coding. | 7 Required | 07/28/18 |  |
Search Ranges (v12) | David Lang, Ken Simpson | A set of ranges for each book of the Bible. This update is an apref file which can only be used in v12. Other updates are as below. Instructions to install: Replace the Search Ranges file in the Accordance Preferences folder (in user/Library/Preferences for OS X, and in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Accordance\Accordance Preferences for Windows. To see the user/Library on Sierra/El Capitan/Mavericks/Lion/Mountain Lion, press option as you open the Go menu. You cannot access these Preferences easily for the AppStore version of Accordance 10.) | 12 Required | update: 04/16/2017. original: 9/14/07 |  |
Search Ranges | David Lang, Ken Simpson | A set of ranges for each book of the Bible. The update includes the standard ranges for the Tanakh. Aug 2015 update includes the Hebrew pericopes and corrected Aramaic pericopes. Instructions to install: Replace the Search Ranges file in the Accordance Preferences folder (in user/Library/Preferences for OS X, and in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Accordance\Accordance Preferences for Windows. To see the user/Library on [High] Sierra/El Capitan/Mavericks/Lion/Mountain Lion, press option as you open the Go menu. You cannot access these Preferences easily for the AppStore version of Accordance 10.) | 10 Required | update: 8/5/2015 original: 9/14/07 |  |
Parts of Speech | Daniel C. Zylstra | These highlights identify parts of speech and significant tags in the original languages. (BHS-W4, LXX1, LXX2 and GNT-T) | 7 Required | 12/11/07 |  |
Sources | David Martyn | Highlighting the Documentary Hypothesis for the book of Genesis | 7 Required | 9/14/07 |  |
Markers | David Lang | 10 styles for highlighting, no highlights are saved yet on this file. | 7.1 Required | 5/16/06 |  |