Title | Contributor | Description | Version | Posted | Download |
Scripture for Seeker Notes | Bill Nelson | Verse by verse notes to accompany the Scripture for Seekers - S4S in the User Bible section. | 11 Required | 05/30/17 |  |
Hebrew Audio User Notes | Darin Franklin | A User Notes file with links to audio recordings of the Hebrew Bible. Each chapter has a link to the mp3 file hosted at aoal.org. The reader's name is Abraham Shmuelof, and the web site is: Hebrew Bible Audio | 11.1.4 Required | 02/29/16 |  |
Greek Audio User Notes | Darin Franklin | A User Notes file with links to audio recordings of the Greek New Testament. Each chapter has a link to the mp3 file hosted at helding.net. The reader's name is John Simon, and the web site is greeknewtestamentaudio.com.(Link no longer works) | 11.1.4 Required | 02/29/16 |  |
Latin Audio User Notes | Darin Franklin | A User Notes file with links to audio recordings of the Latin New Testament. Each chapter has a link to the mp3 file hosted at helding.net. The reader's name is John Simon, and the web site is latinnewtestamentaudio.com (Link broken) | 11.1.4 Required | 02/29/16 |  |
New Sample User Notes | Tim Jenney | A revised version of the Sample User notes that features updated content, pictures, and examples of the new Accordance URL links. | 11.1.2 Required | 12/16/15 |  |
Metrical Psalter | Dru Brooke-Taylor | The Psalms in metre, so they can be sung to hymn tunes, with a separate explanatory Preface. Own work based on traditional psalms. | 8 Required | 9/13/11 |  |