Find Name on Atlas Dialog Box

Prerequisites for use: An Atlas map is the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab.    

Use: The Find Name on Map dialog box is used to quickly locate and display a specific location on the Atlas.

Description: This dialog box lets you filter out names, to quickly locate the desired location on the Atlas.

Open the Find Name on Atlas Dialog BoxOpen the Find Name on Atlas Dialog Box

  1. Open an Atlas and make it the active tab.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Click Find on the Atlas tab (Find on Map button).
  4. Press +F .
  5. On the Search menu, choose Find Map Name.

Find a Location on the Map (Overview)Find a Location on the Map (Overview)

  1. Open the Find Name on Atlas dialog box.
  2. Select the location you want to find in the left list of site and region names.

    You can limit the items available in this list by selecting options on the right side of this dialog box.
  3. Click OK. The map scrolls and zooms to center on the name. The site name is displayed in the Extra Names style.
  4. Repeat these steps to find additional names on the Atlas .
  5. You can also double-click a name in the list to find the location on the Atlas .


Many names are followed by additional information which is usually omitted from the map display for clarity.

Default SettingsDefault Settings

The Find Name on Atlas dialog box initially opens with:

  • all names displayed in the List of Site and Region Names.
  • all Importance items selected.
  • Sites only not selected.
  • The Period pop-up menu set to [All].

Options in the Find Name on Atlas Dialog BoxOptions in the Find Name on Atlas Dialog Box

Go to box: Type the first letters of the name in the box to jump to that part of the alphabet in the List of Site and Region Names.

List of Site and Region Names: Displays all names in alphabetical order. Region names are in capital letters to distinguish them from site names. Region names include geographical features and areas, as well as historical names.

Show on List Area: Options in this area act as a filter to limit items displayed in the List of Site and Region Names, for quickly locating the desired name.

  • Sites only: When selected, removes Region names from the list.
  • Sites with Importance of: Available items are 1 (least important) through 5 (most important). When selected, displays names with that level of importance. If not selected, the names of that level of importance are not displayed.
  • Period pop-up menu (following Sites in label): Displays a list of Biblical and Archaeological periods. Your selection limits sites displayed in the list to those which appear in that period (as well as the current levels of importance). This pop-up menu setting does not affect Region names.