Find a Place on an Atlas

You can quickly search for any Biblical site name or geographical name on the Atlas. Once Accordance locates the name on the Atlas, that name is highlighted for easy identification. This search is cumulative, that is, each subsequent name you look for in the same Atlas tab is also highlighted. These "extra" site and region names can be removed as a whole from the Atlas, or one by one. If one of these extra names was already on the Atlas, the name remains on the Atlas, but the text highlight is removed.

Find a Place on the AtlasFind a Place on the Atlas

  1. Click Find (Find Icon) on the Atlas tab. The Find Name on the Atlas dialog box appears.
  2. Proceed as follows in the Find Name on Atlas dialog box:
    1. Select the location you want to find in the list of sites (left side of the dialog box).
      • You can limit the items available in this list via options on the right side of this dialog box. See the topic Find Name on the Atlas Dialog Box for details.
      • To select contiguous items, click on a name, hold Shift, and click on another name. The first and last items selected are highlighted, and everything in between.
      • To select non-contiguous items, click on a name, hold + and select one or more names. Every selected item is highlighted.
    2. Click OK. The Atlas scrolls and zooms to center on the name.
      • The names added to the Atlas appear in the default font and styles for "extra" site and region names.
      • If the name was already displayed in an Atlas layer, it is now displayed with the "extra" site and region names styles.
      • To change the display of these "highlighted" extra site and region names, on the Display menu choose Set Atlas Display.
  3. Repeat the above steps to find additional names on the Atlas.
  4. You can also double-click a name in the list to find the location on the Atlas.


Many names are followed by additional information which is usually omitted from the map display for clarity.

  1. Amplifying to the map from a selected name in a Text or Tool also adds the name to the extra names.
  2. If you only want to add to the extra names a name that you see on the Atlas, press Shift and click on the name. The correct extra site or region style is applied to the name.

Example of an Atlas with Several Places Highlighted Using the Find Name on the Atlas Dialog Box

The "highlighted" names are displayed using the "extra site names" (white) and "extra region names" (yellow) styles

Manually Highlight Locations on the AtlasManually Highlight Locations on the Atlas

You can also manually highlight names on the Atlas. To do so:

Shift+Click on any name on the Atlas to highlight it. The correct extra site or region style is applied to the name.

Remove Extra Site (Highlighted) NamesRemove Extra Site (Highlighted) Names

Once locations have been added or found, they can be deleted individually, or as a whole.

  • To delete an individual name, select the name and press Delete.
  • To remove all extra names at once, on the Sites pop-up menu choose Clear Extra Sites.

Create a Custom Layer From Highlighted Extra SitesCreate a Custom Layer From Highlighted Extra Sites

You can create a custom site layer from all the highlighted sites (added manually, or using the Find Name on Atlas dialog box). The new layer includes all names highlighted with the extra site or region names style.

To create a custom layer:

  1. Search for the desired names, or manually highlight locations on the Atlas.
  2. On the Sites pop-up menu, choose Convert To Custom Layer. The Define Custom Site Layers dialog box opens.
  3. On the Sites pop-up menu, choose Convert To Custom Layer. The Define Custom Site Layers dialog box opens.
  4. In the Custom Site Layers dialog box, proceed as follows:
    1. Name: Enter a name for the custom layer.
    2. Sites selected area (bottom right): Verify that all highlighted sites are listed. If desired you can add more sites to the custom layer.
    3. When done, click OK. The custom layer is added to the available layers on the Sites pop-up menu.