Editing a Paper

Outlines are the starting point for your Paper, and provide structure for your thoughts and ideas. After selecting a template, you can add, delete and rearrange outlines to customize a Paper to your specific needs and goals.

Adding New Outline Items in a PaperAdding New Outline Items in a Paper

You can add three types of content to your Paper:

  • New Item: An Item is comprised of a heading of the same level as the previous one and text content below it. If this is the first item in the list, it will be a first level heading.
  • New Sub-item: A Sub-item is comprised of second and third level headings (and so forth), depending on the item above and its associated text content.
  • New Text Item: A Text Item is textual content, such as a new paragraph added within the previous Item or Sub-item.

The Paper items listed above can be added in several ways:

Using the Action menu ( Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ):

  1. Hover over an outline heading to reveal the outline options Action menu (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ).
  2. Click the Action menu and choose the item to be added to your paper.

Using the Add New Item and Add New Text Item options:

  1. Place the cursor under the final outline item in your Paper to display the Add New Item and Add New Text Item options.
  2. Click the option to insert the desired item.

Using the keyboard:

  • Press Return to add a new item at the same level as the selected item.
  • Press Shift+Return to add a new item at a sub-level below the selected item.
  • Press Shift+ Opt+Return to add a new item at the parent level above the selected item.

Deleting Outline Entries in PaperDeleting Outline Entries in Paper

You can remove an outline item in two ways:

  • Right-click the outline item and choose Remove Paper Item.
  • Click the outline marker (the number or letter to the left of the outline item) to select it, and press Delete. If there is no outline marker, click to the left of the outline where the outline maker would normally appear.

Organizing Outline Items in a PaperOrganizing Outline Items in a Paper

You can rearrange outline items in several ways. You can move them from one location in a Paper to another, and you can change the level of outline items.

  1. Move an outline item from one location to another by dragging-and-dropping outline items to a new location in your Paper.
    A gray bar appears as the outline item is dragged to the new target areaClosed An area in a workspace to which a zone or tab can be moved, providing a visual indicator of its new location before you release the mouse.


    When hovering over text in a Paper, the cursor changes to an I-beam pointer. You cannot select an outline item when the cursor is in this state. Make sure the cursor is a pointer arrow by moving it slightly to the left of the outline item.

  2. Change the level of an outline item by clicking the direction arrows () that appear when hovering over the outline item.
  3. A single right arrow ( ) appears when hovering over a top-level item in the outline.
  4. A single left arrow ( ) appears when hovering over an outline item that can only be moved to a higher level in the outline.
  5. Both arrows appear () when the outline entry can either be moved up or down in the outline structure.
  6. The left/right arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to change the hierarchy of a selected Paper item. The up/down arrow keys can be used to move between items.


A Paper item can be duplicated by pressing Opt+ and dragging the item.

Adding Content to a PaperAdding Content to a Paper

You can add content to a Paper manually, using copy-and-paste, or by dragging a Stack item into a Paper tab.

  • To add content manually, select an outline item in a Paper tab and enter the desired text.
  • To add content using copy-and-paste, copy selected text from a Text or Tool and paste the content into a Paper tab outline item.
  • To add content using Stacks, drag-and-drop the desired Stack item into a Paper tab.


If contents are added using copy-and-paste, the article name from the source Tool will appear automatically along with the bibliography information.

Editing Text in a PaperEditing Text in a Paper

You can edit text in a Paper by using your mouse/trackpad or keyboard.

Using a mouse or trackpad: 

  • Edit any heading or contents field in a Paper outline by clicking the text.
  • Double-click the text to select a word.
  • Triple-click the text to select the entire contents of the text box.

Using thekeyboard:

  • Once a Paper item has been selected, press Tab to move to the first field of the selected item and begin editing.
  • Each time you press Tab the contents of the following field are selected.
  • Press Esc to exit editing mode and select the outline item.
  • Press Return or Enter to exit editing mode without selecting the outline item.


Text must be selected before applying formatting options.

Working with Endnotes in a PaperWorking with Endnotes in a Paper

Endnotes are generated automatically when Stack items are added to a Paper, but they can also be created manually in the following ways:

Using a shortcut menuClosed Also known as a contextual menu, acessed by right-clicking (or pressing Ctrl+Click, Mac only) over a screen element:

  1. Right-click the location in the outline where the endnote superscript is to be inserted and choose Add Endnote from the shortcut menu. The Enter endnote contents text entry box is displayed.
  2. Enter contents into the Enter endnote contents text entry box.
  3. Click outside the text entry box to close the box and save the contents. A sequential footnote is added to your Paper.

Using the Endnote Insertion button:

  1. Place the cursor at the location in the outline where the endnote superscript is to be inserted and click the Endnote Insertion button ().
  2. Enter contents into the Enter endnote contents text entry box.
  3. Click outside the text entry box to close the box and save the contents. A sequential footnote is added to your Paper.

Editing an Endnote:

  1. Place the cursor inside an outline item by clicking inside the outline item. Note that verse references and superscripts inside the outline item are "activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element" and cannot be selected.
  2. Hover over an existing footnote; a Pencil icon appears (Add User Note icon, appears as you mouse over the right margin of a Text pane). Click on the Pencil icon to edit the contents of an endnote.
  3. Click outside the text entry box to close the box and save the contents.

Removing an Endnote:

  1. Select the entry containing the endnote to be removed. The entry is selected.
  2. Right-click the entry and select Remove Paper Item Bibliography. The endnote and bibliography information for the entry are both removed.

Working with the Bibliography in a PaperWorking with the Bibliography in a Paper

Bibliographic information is automatically generated in the following ways:

  1. Drag-and-drop a Stack item into a Paper. The Stack item is inserted into the Paper and the bibliographical content is added to the Bibliography section of the Paper.
  2. Copy text from a Text or Tool and paste it into a Paper (if text is copied using Copy As>Citation, the citation preferences will apply). The text is pasted into the Paper and the bibliographical content is added to the Bibliography section of the Paper.


If new content is pasted into a Paper item already containing bibliographic information, a dialog box appears giving the option of updating the bibliography with the new information, or leaving the bibliographic information as it was.

Set Paper DisplaySet Paper Display

You can change the appearance settings of your Paper, including the line spacing, fonts, end note and bibliography formatting, hypertext options, and outline markers.

To open the Paper Display Settings, do one of the following:

  • Right-click anywhere in a Paper and select Set Paper Display.
  • Select Set Paper Display from the Papers Action Pop-up Menu (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ).