Entering Greek Lexical, Inflected, and Root Forms

You can search for the lexical, inflected, and rootClosed A root is a unit of a language that cannot be further divided, from which words are derived by modification. The root does not necessarily survive as a word in itself. The Accordance roots may combine homographs and therefore a single root may include roots with different etymologies and meanings. In Hebrew, by convention, the lexical form (lemma) of a verb is the same as the root. forms in Greek tagged texts. When performing a search using a lexical formClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word as the argument, all occurrences of words from that lexical root are found.

The following table summarizes options for entering the lexical form (or lemmaClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word), inflected formClosed The word as it appears in the original text, which may be modified from its base dictionary form, or root form in the Search Entry box with the mouse.

Form Search Menu Right-Click Resulting Dialog Box
Lexical (or lemma) Enter Lexical Forms Enter>Lemma Select Lexical Forms
Inflected Enter Inflected Forms Enter>Inflected Select Inflected Forms
Root Press Alt+ and choose Enter Root Forms Enter>Root Select Root Forms



The Enter Lexical Forms item changes to Enter Root Forms if Alt+ is pressed before the menu is opened.

You can also enter the lexical form (or lemma), inflected form, or root form in the Search Entry box manually. When entering manually, be sure to note the text direction

Form How Entered Example
Lexical (or lemma) Type the word
Exact Lexical Form Type the word with any pointing, preceded by an equal sign
Inflected Type the word in quotation marks
Exact Inflected Form Type the word preceded by an equal sign; these are surrounded by quotation marks
Root Type the word preceded by a plus sign

The rest of this topic looks at additional considerations when performing a search for Greek lexical, inflected, and root forms.