Define Custom Lists Dialog Box

By defining a Custom List you can define exactly which items appear on the Timeline. For example, you can include all default items and add a few User Items, you can remove some default items and replace them with your own versions, or you can make a List with just a few selected items to demonstrate a particular point.

Prerequisites for use: A Timeline tab is the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab.   

Use: The Define Custom Lists dialog box is used to modify the pre-defined Custom Lists, and create your own Custom Lists. A Custom List can be any combination of items from the default list supplied with the Timeline, and user items which you have created. The Custom List is then available in the Custom List pop-up menu of the Define Item Layers dialog box.

Description: The dialog box has two main areas. The top area lists currently defined Custom Lists and is used to edit or create new ones, and rearrange their order. This area is also used to select which standard items to include in the list. The bottom area is used to choose which User Items are displayed.