Paper Keyboard Controls

In addition to using a mouse or trackpad to select and navigate Paper items, the following keyboard controls are also available:

Press To... Note
or Adjust the indent level of a selected item  
or Select the previous or next item  
Shift+ or Add the previous or next item to the selection  
Tab (with item selected) Move to the first field of a selected item to begin editing
Tab (when editing text) Move to the next field to continue editing  
Shift+Tab (with item selected) Move to the previous field of a selected item to begin editing  
Shift+Tab (when editing text) Move to the previous field to continue editing  
Escape (when editing text) Exit editing mode and select the outline item  
Enter Exit editing mode without selecting Requires a keyboard with an Enter key
Return Add a new item on at the same level as the selected item  
Shift+Return Add a new item at a sub-level below the selected item