Analyzing your Research Results

Analytics are available in the Research Tab for Word searches in Text modulesClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource. They provide a new and powerful way of understanding the dynamics of Word searches across multiple texts and translations. Research analysis options are tailored to the types of Texts beings searched, including Original Language Tagged texts, Key numbered texts, and even non-Key numbered texts.

The following are some examples of Research Analytics performed on three classes of texts:

Original Language Tagged Texts: Analysis Pie Chart display of a search for words derived from the rootClosed A root is a unit of a language that cannot be further divided, from which words are derived by modification. The root does not necessarily survive as a word in itself. The Accordance roots may combine homographs and therefore a single root may include roots with different etymologies and meanings. In Hebrew, by convention, the lexical form (lemma) of a verb is the same as the root. form of agape in the GNT and LXX

Key Number Texts: Analysis Bar Chart display of a search for "love" in ESV and KJV

Non-Key Number Texts: Analysis Bar Chart display with a breakdown by Version of a search for "love?" in CEB, NIRV, ESV and NLT-SE