Set Analysis Display Dialog Box for Tagged Texts

Prerequisites for use: An Analysis tab for a tagged Text is the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab.

Use: The Set Analysis Display dialog box is used to define how the data is displayed in the active Analysis tab for tagged texts.

Description: The dialog box has two main areas. The top area is used to determine how the analysis is displayed. The bottom area is used to set how the parts of speech are sorted and displayed. Changes affect only the active tab. If you want your changes applied to all future Analysis tabs for tagged texts, click Use As Default.

For non-tagged texts see Set Analysis Display Dialog Box for Non-Tagged Texts.

Open the Set Analysis Display Dialog BoxOpen the Set Analysis Display Dialog Box

Do one of the following:

Options in the Set Analysis Dialog BoxOptions in the Set Analysis Dialog Box

  • Font size Pop-up Menu: Choose size of text in the Analysis tab. There are seven options ranging from Very Small to Very Large.
  • Tag display Pop-up Menu: Controls display of TAG information when this item is added to a Sort and display column below. Available options are:
  • Full words displays the parsing information using a full word description for each grammatical tag.
  • Abbreviations displays the parsing information using common abbreviations for the tag details.
  • Tag codes displays only the tag code for each word. The first letter of the tag code is the part of speech. The rest of the code follows the order of the Tag Details dialog box for that part of speech.
  • Show rootClosed A root is a unit of a language that cannot be further divided, from which words are derived by modification. The root does not necessarily survive as a word in itself. The Accordance roots may combine homographs and therefore a single root may include roots with different etymologies and meanings. In Hebrew, by convention, the lexical form (lemma) of a verb is the same as the root. with LEX: When selected, adds the root word where different beside the display of the lexical formClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word.
  • Show glossClosed Short definition of a word with LEX: When selected, adds the English gloss definition beside display of the lexical form.
  • Sort Pop-up Menu: Choose from three options affecting how information is sorted in the Analysis tab.
  • Alphabetical sorts the words alphabetically.
  • Count down lists the word with the most occurrences first and the least occurrences last.
  • Count up lists the words in increasing order, with the least occurrences listed first and the most occurrences last.
  • Count Pop-up Menu: Lets you choose the statistical method by which each form is counted. You can choose from:
  • Number displays the total number of "hits" (times each word appears) in the current search range.
  • Frequency identifies the words which appear most frequently in the current search range. This number shows the number of hits per 1000 words in the search range.
  • Uniqueness identifies those words which are more or less unique to the current search range. This number is computed by dividing the frequency of hits in the search range by the frequency of verses containing this word in the entire text.
  • Importance identifies those words which are most important in the current search range. This number is computed by multiplying the number of hits in the search range by the uniqueness of each word (as defined above).
  • None displays the words without any count.


Numbers displayed by the Frequency, Uniqueness, and Importance options are relative numbers which are primarily useful for comparison. When using one of these counting methods, it is most useful to select the Count down option from the Sort pop-up menu so that you can immediately see which words are most frequent, unique, or important in the current search range.

  • Select items for sort and display of each word: This area of the Set Analysis Display dialog box is used to request specific information about the words that meet your search criteria, as explained below. Available items depend on whether you are working with Hebrew or Greek tagged text.

Select Items for Sort and Display of Each WordSelect Items for Sort and Display of Each Word

This area of the Set Analysis display dialog box is used to request specific information about the words that meet your search criteria. It functions in a manner similar to the Construct tab. Each column in this section represents a word in a phrase or an element in a construct. Thus, if your search is based on a single word, only the specifications in the first column are relevant to the analysis display.

Specify the information to view for each word in your search by dragging items from the palette to the columns. By default, the lexical item is at the top of each column; in this way, the Analysis tab automatically displays the words that meet the search criteria by their lexical forms. To get more information, drag additional items into each column.

You can add multiple items to a single column to produce a hierarchical breakdown of information about the search hits. For example, if searching for the Greek verb agapaw, you could delete the LEX item from the first column and drag the Voice and Tense items into that column (with Voice at the top of the column and Tense below Voice). In the example below, the part of speech (PrtSpeech) and SYNTAX were also added to the second column. After clicking OK, the Analysis tab displays a hierarchical analysis of each voice in which this word is found in the Greek New Testament, with a list of the tenses found within each of the tags for voice (see below). The MT-LXXClosed The MT-LXX Interlinear Database is a purchased Accordance resource that enables Interlinear Display of your installed Hebrew and Septuagint texts. item may or may not be available. See Using the MT-LXX Resources for details.

You can specify as many categories as will fit in the column of the dialog box. The resulting display is indented at each new level so it is clearly delineated from the previous level. If a requested category is not applicable to some of the words found in the search, the tab contains a line showing that these forms have no tag for that category.

To delete an item from the table, simply select it and press Delete.