Using Links for Common Tasks

You can automate commonly repeated actions, such as a complex search, or opening a specific Workspace with a specific search, using Accordance URL links.

By creating these Accordance links, you can not only automate complex search or open tasks, but share that information with other people who work with Accordance Bible Software. That sharing can be in your blog, by email, or via social media such as Twitter or Facebook.

There are two types of Accordance links. Your preferred Accordance link style is set in the Export area of the Accordance Preferences.

https://accordancebible/: These are weblinks. They go to the Accordance website, which then redirects to the Accordance application. Because of the https prefix, they are much more supported in other applications than accord:// links. For example, our forums allow "https" links but not "accord" links. Also, since it links to the Accordance website, the https link has a nice failover in case the individual using the link doesn't own Accordance.

accord://: These are direct links to Accordance. No internet is required, and it's faster and more direct than the https://accordancebible/ option, since it doesn't link to the Accordance website first. However, not all programs or websites support it. Generally, accord:// links are better if used only for personal use (such as pasting into a note on your own device), while https://accordancebible/ links are better for sending to anyone else.


The person clicking on an Accordance-specific link (URL) must have Accordance Bible Software installed on their computer. In addition, if the link refers to a specific moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource, it must also be installed.

Put simply, you can create links directly to Accordance.


Accordance also recognizes and supports the accord:// syntax on Mac, Windows, and iOS. However, this is a unique scheme to Accordance. If you try to send this link to anyone else, their system will simply say "Bad format" or "Unknown link." , we set up the system at If a non-Accordance user clicks the link, it is now a far more helpful page that provides a preview of the link, along with more information about Accordance. This link is also better supported in a variety of software, such as MS Word or even these forums, which refuse to recognize the "accord://" scheme.

The only downside is, if on a desktop computer and clicking on the link from outside of Accordance, it requires internet and two clicks. This is unfortunately out of our control - Apple set up a scheme to handle the links better on iOS, but never supplied the same technology to Mac. Similar restrictions are present on Windows.