Amplify Menu

In general, selecting an item from the AmplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. menu opens and searches the item for the selected text. The menu options are dimmed unless text is selected in an appropriate text pane.

The texts and tools submenus include an All option (at the bottom of the list) to amplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. to all modulesClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource listed in the submenu.

Amplify Menu Item Description Notes
Search Current Resource Looks for selected words in a duplicate of the same Search or Tool tab  
Search Back Linked Text Search Back lets you select a word, phrase, or reference in your results and find it back in the source text, that is, in the verses displayed in the source tab to which this search is linked. This is especially helpful after using INFER. For more details see the topic Search Back
Recent Modules Opens (or recycles) the recently-opened item chosen from the submenu and searches for the selection The submenu lists recently opened Texts and Tools
Modern Bibles Opens (or recycles) the Modern Bible text chosen from the submenu (or all Modern Bible texts) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed Modern Bible Text modules
Greek Texts Opens (or recycles) the Greek text chosen from the submenu (or all Greek texts) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed Greek Text modules
Hebrew Texts Opens (or recycles) the Hebrew text chosen from the submenu (or all Hebrew texts) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed Hebrew Text modules
Latin Texts Opens (or recycles) the Latin text chosen from the submenu (or all Latin texts) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed Latin Text modules
Other Texts Opens (or recycles) the non-Biblical text chosen from the submenu (or all non-Biblical texts) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed non-Biblical Text modules
Text Browser Opens a list of verses in multiple translations
Context Opens a Text tab with the entire text displayed and a bookmark(s) on the selected verse(s)

Opens (or recycles) the Research tab with the module group chosen from the submenu, and searches for the selection. Submenu options are:


All Bibles

All Tools

Graphics Tools
Any defined User Groups

Word Study Opens (or recycles) a Word Study tab and searches for the selection
English Tools Opens (or recycles) the English tool chosen from the submenu (or all English tools) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed English tools
Greek Tools Opens (or recycles) the Greek lexicon chosen from the submenu (or all Greek lexicons) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed Greek tools
Hebrew Tools Opens (or recycles) the Hebrew lexicon chosen from the submenu (or all Hebrew lexicons) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed Hebrew tools
Reference Tools Opens (or recycles) the reference toolClosed Any non-Biblical text that provides supplemental information about the text, for example, a lexicon, dictionary, or commentary chosen from the submenu (or all reference tools) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed Reference tools
General Tools Opens (or recycles) the general tool chosen from the submenu (or all general tools) and searches for the selection The submenu lists all installed General tools
Parallels Opens (or recycles) the parallel moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource chosen from the submenu (or all parallels) and searches for the selected verses from a Bible text pane The submenu lists all available parallels
Atlas Opens (or recycles) a Atlas tab with the background chosen from the submenu, and displays the selected name The submenu lists all available Atlas backgrounds
Timeline Opens a Timeline tab displaying the selected name  
User Tools Opens (or recycles) the set of User Tools chosen from the submenu (or all User Notes) and searches for the selected verses from a Bible text pane The submenu lists all available User Tools
User Notes

Opens (or recycles) the set of User Notes chosen from the submenu (or all User Notes) and searches for the selected verses from a Bible text pane

The submenu lists all available User Notes

Opens a submenu with the following options:

Parsing: Opens (or recycles) a Parsing tab that contains the parsing information for the selected words from a Bible text pane

Diagram: Opens a Diagram window allowing you to create a grammatical diagram of the selection

Speak: Reads the selected text audibly

Word Chart: Opens a Word Chart tab allowing you add comments to a chart containing the selection with its parsing

My Workspaces Opens (or recycles) the workspace chosen from the submenu, and searches for the selection in each tab; includes an Add Workspace item for adding the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element Workspace to the Favorite Workspaces