Preference Files


This information is primarily for network administrators, and for reference in case of technical problems. Deleting or changing these files will negatively impact your work with Accordance and may require a new installation.

There are several files in Accordance that contain various settings affecting how Accordance Bible Software functions and displays your work. Some of these files should be backed up. Click a section below to get more information about these items.


Accordance 7 changed the way that your individual settings and preferences are managed. In earlier versions they were stored in the Accordance settings file and similar files, and in versions 5 and 6 these files were collected in the Accordance settings ƒ folder which remained in the Accordance folder together with the Accordance application itself.

New PreferencesNew Preferences

When you run Accordance for the first time, it creates a new Accordance Preferences folder in the Library/Application Support/Accordance folder of your homeClosed Referring to the "home folder" drive.

Important Note for People with Lion/Mountain Lion OSClosed Operating System

The Library is a hidden directory under the Lion/Mountain Lion operating system. To access these files, press Opt and then access the Go menu.

This main Accordance Preferences folder contains the following settings:

In OS X a copy of the Accordance Preferences is stored in your home folderClosed Your home folder on the Mac, usually identified by your name /Library/Preferences/ with:

  • A copy of the settings from the main Accordance Preferences folder.
  • All new settings saved by this user in OS X.

This arrangement has the following benefits:

  • The copy in the Accordance folder records installed modules as a backup if the User Preferences are lost or corrupted.
  • If Accordance is moved to the local domain (hard drive) Library/Application Support/, then:
  • Each user can have their own settings and preferences.
  • Non-admin users can access Accordance even when it is placed in Applications.
  • Multiple users can access the same copy of Accordance and its modules simultaneously.

Individual Settings FilesIndividual Settings Files

The settings files contain the following information. If a particular kind of moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource is not installed, the settings file may not exist.

Details regarding these files are listed below since:

  • Administrators of multiple users may need this information.
  • Settings files can occasionally get corrupted. If a message appears advising a certain file is corrupt, you can delete it from your user Preferences. When contacting Technical Support, you may be asked to remove a certain file to correct the problem being experienced.
  • If one of these files is deleted from your user Preferences (Texts, Tools, Parallels, Maps, Timeline, User Items, or User Layers), Accordance copies the file from the main Accordance Preferences folder. If it does not find a file to copy, as well as with regard to other settings, a new file may be created. In that case you may lose settings saved on that file.


A Module Installation Log file in each Accordance Preferences folder records what files are moved, copied or installed. Accordance does not use this file, but it may be useful for troubleshooting.

  • Combined Texts: Saved combined text pane arrangements
  • Favorites: User's choice of favorite workspaces for quick access
  • General: Miscellaneous settings from Preferences and other tabs
  • Ignored Words: Used by the spelling checker
  • Interlinears: Saved arrangements for the Interlinear display.
  • Library Cache: Stored index to speed Library searches
  • Maps: All defined layers and sets, their arrangement, as well as default settings for the Atlas tab
  • Parallels: Default settings for Parallel tabs and their arrangement
  • Recent Modules: Names of recently accessed modules to open them quickly and easily
  • Research Cache: Stored index to speed up performance of Research
  • Search Ranges: The ranges defined for searching in the Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area
  • Startup sessionClosed The arrangement of screen elements when working with Accordance: Either a defined session or the tabs that were open when last quitting Accordance
  • Syntax Files: The installed syntactical databases
  • Texts: The installed Text modules, their arrangement, and their individual display settings
  • Timeline: All the defined layers and custom lists as well as default settings for the Timeline tab
  • Tools: The installed Tool modules, their arrangement, and their individual display settings
  • User Groups: The groups of modules created in the Library for the Research, also contains any previously defined Search Groups and Text or Tool sets
  • User Items: Any user items defined for the Timeline
  • User Layers: Any user layers drawn for the Map
  • User Notes: The installed User Notes modules and their arrangement
  • User Tools: The installed User Tool modules, their arrangement, and their individual display settings
  • Interlinears: Saved arrangements for the Interlinear

Important BackupsImportant Backups

For security, make a regular backup of the following folders for each user:

  • /Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences at the top level of the hard disk
  • Documents/Accordance Files in the user's home folder