Definitions of Syntactical Terms (Andersen-Forbes)
There are several major differences between the AF and the Holmstedt or ETCBC databases:
a. The AF database has much more information for each word, including semantics and other specialized linguistic data.
b. The AF database can have multiple inheritance (more than one “parent” for a “child”).
c. The AF database can have discontinuities in syntactical word order, which shows up as lines crossing other lines in the Syntax Tree graph.
d. The Hebrew text in the AF morphological database does not have any cantillation marks, but only consonants and vowel pointing.
e. The word glosses for AF are contained in another special Tool module Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource “MT-AFD Glosses”, and these glosses are made for each inflected word form and not for each lexical form
The canonical (dictionary) form of a word, as with the other Syntax databases.
f. Many of the more specialized tag terms listed below can be found in the MT-AFD Glossary Tool module.
g. The tag underway refers to a empty tag that is not yet finished.
Summary of the AF morphological tagsSummary of the AF morphological tags
Verbal (v): The classes and tags for a verbal are defined as follows:
- q: qal
- s: passive qal
- n: nifal
- p: piel
- u: pual
- h: hifil
- o: hofal
- t: hitpael
- l: tafal
- a: afal
- i: ithpael
- f: safal
- a:active
The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element
- m: middle
- p: passive
- t: reflexive
- t: infinitive construct
- o: infinitive absolute
- n: noun-verb/noun participle
- p: noun-verb participle
- j: jussive
- r: preterite
- f: perfect sequential
- c: cohortative
- i: imperative
- v: insistent imperative
- s: suffixed perfect
- m: imperfect
- q: imperfect sequential
- h: cohortative sequential
- b: verbal participle
- s: singular
- d: dual
- p: plural
- f: feminine
- c: both
- m: masculine
- 1: first
- 2: second
- 3: third
- e: existential
- a: attitude
- d: destruction
- j: transitive
- k: intransitive
- m: movement
- o: ditransitive
- r: caused motion
- s: stative
- u: utterance
- y: say
- z: call
- Instead of person, the two infinitive tags in family use state as defined below under Noun.
- The infinitive absolute ignores the state.
- The two infinitive tags in family ignore gender.
- The participle uses state instead of person as defined below under Noun.
Noun (n): The classes and tags for a noun are defined as follows:
- c: common
- a: all
- n: numeral
- e: ethnic
- o: ordinal
- j: adjective
- p: nominal participle
- w: divine proper
- g: geographical proper
- h: human proper
- l: land proper
- m: mountain proper
- q: city proper
- r: river proper
- s: singular
- d: dual
- p: plural
- c: collective
- b: distributive
- m: masculine
- f: feminine
- c: both
- n: neuter
- n: normal
- h: normal, definite HA
- a: normal, definite A
- p: pausal
- g: pausal, definite HA
- f: pausal, definite A
- m: determined
- v: adverbial
- o: construct
- c: construct discontinuous
- d: construct with HA
- e: construct with A
- x: suffixed
- s: suffixed with HA
- t: suffixed with A
- r: [particle]
- a: furniture
- b: building
- c: creature
- d: deity
- e: event
- f: food
- g: geographical name
- h: human
- j: jigger/thing
- k: color
- l: living items
- m: medical
- n: nature
- o: mental state
- p: body part
- q: quality
- s: spatial
- t: time
- u: utensil
- v: vegetation
- w: work
- x: document
- y: war
- z: abstract
- 1: quantity
- 2: money
- 3: sound
- 4: existential
- 5: unknown
- 6: temporal locative
Pronoun (o): The classes and tags for a pronoun are defined as follows:
- b: bound
- f: free
- d: demonstrative
- t: deictic
- s: singular
- d: dual
- p: plural
- m: masculine
- f: feminine
- c: both, was common
Person or state:
- 1: first
- 2: second
- 3: third
- n: normal
- a: determined
- r: particle
- If the pronoun is a demonstrative pronoun, then part d is the state; otherwise it is the person.
Adverbial (a): The classes and tags for an adverbial are defined as follows:
- m: modal
- a: adverb
- d: do not
- g: negative
- n: not
- u: behold
- x: exists
- y: still
- z: not exists
- q: interrogative
- 1: yes or no?
- 2: who?
- 3: what?
- 4: how?
- 5: when?
- 6: where-1?
- 7: from where?
- 8: why?
- 9: where-2?
- a: together
- b: afterwards
- c: above
- d: eagerly
- e: suddenly
- f: farther
- g: then
- h: here
- i: inadvertently
- j: thither
- k: back
- l: positively
- m: thus
- n: now
- o: then
- p: certainly
- q: quickly
- r: already
- s: still
- t: there
- u: upwards
- v: very
- w: underneath
- x: apart
- y: yet
- z: again
- ø: only1
- †: not yet
- π: emphatic
- ®: only2
- 4: existential
- r: [particle]
- s: spatial
- t: time
Conjunction (c): The classes and tags for a conjunction are defined as follows:
- t: tight and
- a: and
- w: and then
- c: also1
- o: or
- b: because1
- i: if
- s: other
- u: but indeed
- l: also2
- e: because2
- r: that
- r: particle
Preposition (p): The classes and tags for a preposition are defined as follows:
- e: accusative
- f: from
- j: in
- k: like
- l: to
- p: with-1
- q: with-2
- t: unto
- u: upon
- v: until
- y: inside
- z: under
- o: miscellaneous
- k: because
- a: at
- b: above
- c: between
- d: after
- f: for
- n: near
- o: because of
- p: of
- q: before-1
- r: before-2
- s: for sake of
- t: through
- w: without
- x: except-1
- y: except-2
- z: except-3
- r: particle
- s: spacial
Particle (r): The classes and tags for a particle are defined as follows:
- k: only ketib
- x: exclamation
- h: article
- r: relativizer
- r: particle
- i: unknown
Summary of the AF nodal tagsSummary of the AF nodal tags
Discourse Node:
- C: Clause
- S: Sentence
- D: Discourse unit
- Q: Cue phrase
- A: aim
- B: but-rather
- O: condition
- N: concessive
- R: reason
- T: result
- U: undesired outcome
- P: time point
- K: cause
- A apposition
- B bonded correlation
- C construct
- D distributed apposition
- E echo/repeat
- G grammar determined
- H supra-clausal coherence
- I inverted modification
- J juxtaposition
- M modification
- N nominalization
- O obliqueness
- P pre-position
- Q cue phrase
- R resumption
- S suspension
- U union or disjunction
- V nested constituents
- W waived/privileged
- X subsetting constituents
- Y supersetting constituents
- Z mixed lists
- @ definite
- + suffixation
- – no cue phrase
- The license codes can also be lower case to indicate discontinuity. For non-alphabetic characters, the only supported discontinuous forms is: + 8
Discourse-ready constituent node:
- A: AND constituent
- S: Syntactic-isolate
- cc: discourse-level AND
- cw: discourse-level sequential AND
- ra: remainder of address, may not be searchable
- ex: exclamative
- vo: vocative
- hd: header/label
- xo: exocentric absolute/topic
- A apposition
- B bonded correlation
- C construct
- D distributed apposition
- E echo/repeat
- G grammar determined
- H supra-clausal coherence
- I inverted modification
- J juxtaposition
- M modification
- N nominalization
- O obliqueness
- P pre-position
- Q cue phrase
- R resumption
- S suspension
- U union or disjunction
- V nested constituents
- W waived/privileged
- X subsetting constituents
- Y supersetting constituents
- Z mixed lists
- @ definite
- + suffixation
- – no cue phrase
- The license codes can also be lower case to indicate discontinuity. For non-alphabetic characters, the only supported discontinuous forms is: + 8
Non-SR (non-semantic role) CIC (clause immediate constituent) node:
- O: Operator
- P: Predicator
- A: Aspectualizer
- ng: negative
- qc: closed interrogative
- gm: include
- il: includer
- rs: restricter
- md: modal
- pa: predicative infinitive absolute
- pc: construct dual participle
- pf: finite verb
- pg: noun-verb participle
- pi: infinitive construct
- pq: quasiverbal
- pp: periphrastic
- pu: infinitive construct of utterance
- pv: purely verbal participle
- ia: intensifier infinitive absolute
- am: amplifier infinitive absolute
- nx: multiplier
- nt: number of times
- nz: durative
- G: grammatical relation
- J: juxtaposition Note that this is not documented and may be an error.
- K: open interrogative
- k: suspended open interrogative
- L: lapsus calami
- n: nebulous CIC
- S: suspended CIC
- R: resumed CIC
- Q: embedded clause with cue phrase
- T: distributive
- -: embedded clause lacking cue phrase
- W: paradoxical
SR (semantic role) CIC (clause immediate constituent) node:
- A: adjunct
- S: subject
- O: object
- C: other complement
- 0: underway
- pr: periphery
- sb: subject
- sj: Janus subject
- o2: second object
- ob: direct object
- oi: indirect object
- mc: cognitive complement
- zc: aspectualizer complement
- qt: quotative complement
- sc: subject complement
- oc: object complement
- cr: core
- 00: underway
Semantic role:
- C: Complement
- P: Participant
- T: Temporal
- M: Movement
- E: Enriching
- N: Manner
- X: Clausal discourse
- 0: underway
Semantic sub-role:
- ag: agent
- pt: patient/target/undergoer
- xp: experiencer
- st: stimulus
- rp: recipient
- dm: owner/dominion
- ds: direct speech
- is: indirect speech
- ss: signified speech
- da: direct action
- ii: indirect action
- sa: signified action
- td: identified
- kd: classified
- dd: described
- r1: equivalent1
- tn: identification
- kn: classification
- dn: description
- r2: equivalent2
- ac: accompanier
- iy: intermediary
- al: alternate
- bf: beneficiary
- ml: harmed one
- nv: involved ones
- rl: ruled-over-one
- za: time aim
- zi: time interval
- zo: time origin
- zp: time point
- lo: location
- mb: movement bearing
- mo: movement origin
- ma: movement aim
- mi: movement interval
- ln: length
- ar: area
- ab: separation
- cm: composition
- co: cost
- cp: comparison
- dp: deprivation
- in: instrument
- qu: quantity
- rf: reference
- re:resource
Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module
- nc: number count
- mn: manner
- ai: aim
- br: but-rather
- cd: condition
- cn: concessive
- cs: cause
- rn: reason
- rt: result
- uo: undesired outcome
- 00: underway
- G: grammatical relation
- K: open interrogative
- k: suspended open interrogative
- L: lapsus calami
- n: nebulous CIC
- S: suspended CIC
- R: resumed CIC
- Q: embedded clause with cue phrase
- T: distributive
- -: embedded clause lacking cue phrase
- W: paradoxical
- 1: partial grammatical relation
- 2: partial resumed CIC
Phrase node:
- V: Verb phrase
- A: Adverb phrase
- S: substantive [noun] phrase
- J: Adjective phrase
- C: Conjunctive phrase
- P: Prepositional phrase
- M: Compound preposition phrase
- X: Other phrase
Subtype for each above type:
- V: (Verb phrase)
- VI: imperative
- IA: infinitive absolute
- IC: infinitive construct
- V!: jussive
- VV: prefixed imperfect
- VP: prefixed imperfect sequential
- V%: prefixed preterite
- Pv: pure verb participle
- Pg: noun-verb participle
- QV: quasiverbal
- VS: suffixed perfect
- V/: suffixed perfect sequential
- A: (Adverb phrase)
- Am: manner adverb
- As: spatial adverb
- At: temporal adverb
- Vr: very
- S: (Substantive [noun] phrase)
- Al: all
- Nr: nominalized clause
- Ni: nominalized infinitive
- Np: nominalized participle
- [A-Zx#$!]N: noun (the first character is the semantic category)
- [A-HJ-Zx#$!]n: noun participle (the first character is the semantic category)
- DP: demonstrative pronoun
- PP: personal pronoun
- SP: suffix pronoun
- J: (Adjective phrase)
- Aj: adjective
- Nu: cardinal number
- OR: ordinal number
- C: (Conjunctive phrase)
- CC: compound
- P: (Prepositional phrase pronoun)
- e: nota accusativi
- f: from
- j: in
- k: like
- v: until
- t: unto
- u: upon
- l: to
- w: with
- y: other
- (Prepositional phrase body)
- [A-Zx#$!]: noun semantics
- a: all
- y: infinitive absolute
- c: infinitive construct
- i: interrogative
- r: nominalized
- g: participle
- p: pronoun
- m: manner adverb
- s: spacial adverb
- t: temporal adverb
- M: (Compound preposition phrase)
- Fr: from
- In: in
- Lk: like
- Tl: until
- T2: unto
- Up: upon
- To: to
- Pp: Other preposition
- X: (Other phrase)
- Ex: exclamation
- It: interrogative
- Lo: location
- Ng: negative
- A: apposition
- B: bonded correlation
- C: construct
- D: distributed apposition
- E: echo/repeat
- G: grammar determined
- H: supra-clausal coherence
- I: inverted modification
- J: juxtaposition
- M: modification
- N: nominalization
- O: obliqueness
- P: pre-position
- Q: cue phrase
- R: resumption
- S: suspension
- U: union or disjunction
- V: nested constituents
- W: waived/privileged
- X: subsetting constituents
- Y: supersetting constituents
- Z: mixed lists
- @: definite
- +: suffixation
- –: no cue phrase
- The license codes can also be lower case to indicate discontinuity. For non-alphabetic characters, the only supported discontinuous forms is: + 8
Summary of other word tags:
- A: AuthorToReader
- D: DivinityToDivinity
- d: DivinityToHuman
- H: HumanToDivinity
- h: HumanToHuman
- X: Atypical
Subtype for Genre:
- T: TitleA
- G: GenealogyA
- N: NarrativeA
- V: InstructionD
- k: RequestD
- X: PromiseD
- U: SituationD
- P: AccusationDH
- J: JudgmentDH
- I: InstructionDH
- I: InstructionDH
- K: RequestDH
- C: CurseDH
- Z: PromiseDH
- W: WoeDH
- A: SituationDH
- O: OracleDH
- D: OtherDH
- Q: QuarrelHD
- L: LamentationHD
- R: RequestHD
- S: SupplicationHD
- B: BlessingHD
- Y: PromiseHD
- a: SituationHD
- E: OtherHD
- t: TitleH
- n: NarrativeH
- q: QuarrelH
- j: JudgmentH
- l: LamentationH
- i: InstructionH
- r: RequestH
- s: SupplicationH
- b: BlessingH
- c: CurseH
- y: PromiseH
- w: WoeH
- o: ProphesyH
- f: GreetingH
- z: PraiseH
- v: WisdomH
- u: SituationH
- H: OtherH
- d: AngelHuman
- 1: ClayHuman
- 2: DonkeyHuman
- 3: HolyOneHuman
- 4: SatanGod
- 5: SnakeHuman
- 6: SpiritGod
- 7: Tree
Type of Speech:
- @1 singleSeg
- @2 singleSegEnds2
- @3 singleSegEnds3
- !1 singleSegBeforeIntrusive
- #1 singleSegAfterIntrusive
- A1 speechOnset
- a1 1speechOffset
- a2 2speechOffset
- a3 3speechOffset
- a4 4speechOffset
- a5 5speechOffset
- D1 speechOnsetInterrupted
- d1 speechOffsetBeforeIntrusive
- E1 speechOnsetEmbedded
- e1 speechOffsetEmbedded
- R1 speechResumeAfterIntrusive
- r1 speechOffsetAfterIntrusive
Main Text Source (Genesis through Joshua only):
- L: Lay
- J: Jahwist
- E: Elohist
- P: Priestly
- D: Deuteronomist
- H: Holiness
Text Source Type (Genesis through Joshua only):
- L: LProse
- l: LPoetry
- J: JProse
- j: JPoetry
- K: JGenealogy
- E: EProse
- e: EPoetry
- C: ECovenant
- P: PProse
- p: PPoetry
- B: PBProse (encounter prose)
- b: PBPoetry (encounter poetry)
- T: PTabernacle
- D: DProse
- d: DPoetry
- H: HCode