Principles Behind the Amplify Feature

You can select a word or phrase in any Text or Tool pane and amplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. the selection via the Library, AmplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. menu, or toolbar to any available Text or Tool moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource or set of modulesClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource. The type of search performed is contextual—it depends on four things: the selection itself, the content in the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element pane or tab (the source), the module to which you are amplifying (the target), and on your settings in the Amplify area of the Preferences dialog box.

Before looking at the actual procedure for amplifying to other Text or Tool modules, it is helpful to review some of the ways the selection, source, and target impact the amplify results. While you can begin amplifying without this information, understanding the principles behind the Amplify feature is particularly useful when the results are not quite what you initially expected.


You cannot amplify from a mixed selection which begins in a verse reference and ends in the text, or vice versa, or from a selection in more than one verse or more than one language.

The principles below apply for each module searched when amplifying with the Research option.

A Closer Look at Amplifying to Text: How it WorksA Closer Look at Amplifying to Text: How it Works

Referring to the picture below:

  1. A selection is made in the source.
    • In this case a word is selected: "light".
    • The source is the NAS95S text.
  2. A target is chosen. In this case, it is the KJVS text, however any text could have been chosen.
  3. The selection is amplified to a new text Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area.

Understanding the Amplify Process in Accordance

A Closer Look at Amplifying to Tools: How it WorksA Closer Look at Amplifying to Tools: How it Works

Referring to the picture below:

  1. A selection is made in the source.
    • In this case a word is selected: "light".
    • The source is the NAS95S text.
  2. A target is chosen. In this case, it is the TWOT tool, however any resource could have been chosen.
  3. The selection is amplified to a new tool Search tab. For the purposes of this picture, the display was set to Paragraphs.
    • If a Biblical text had been the target, a text Search tab would have opened.
    • Note that the word "light" was automatically entered in the Search Entry box (a).
    • Accordance automatically selected a field to search for in the TWOT, in this case English Gloss (b).
    • The "hit" word (light) is marked based on your preferences, as well as the verse reference (c).

Amplifying from a Verse Reference in a Bible Text PaneAmplifying from a Verse Reference in a Bible Text Pane

If the selection is a verse reference in a Bible text pane:

Amplifying from a Verse Reference in a ToolAmplifying from a Verse Reference in a Tool

If the verse reference is a link, its behavior is as expected: a Text tab opens displaying the verse(s).


If the selection is not a linked reference, amplifying to a Biblical or non-Biblical text searches the text for the selection. If the words are not found in the text, Accordance looks for the selection as a verse reference.

Amplifying from Text in a Text or Tool PaneAmplifying from Text in a Text or Tool Pane

If the selection is text (word or phrase) in a Bible Text or Tool text pane:

  • Amplifying to any Text or Tool module results in a search using the appropriate field for that selection.
  • Tools in general: Fields with the same language as the selection are searched until a "hit" is found; then all the "hits" in that field are displayed. Once "hits" are found, no more fields are searched (for example, if the search argument is found in the Entry field, the Contents are not searched).

  • For most Texts and Tools Accordance searches for the selected words and phrases in the same form as in the selection. There are certain exceptions for Key numbers and grammatically tagged Greek and Hebrew texts. For example, amplifying from a word in a key text can search for the original words.

  • Pressing shift while amplifying from a phrase to a Text adds the FUZZY command in front of the phrase.

  • Pressing shift when amplifying to a Tool reverses the Include reference when amplifying option.

Multiple PanesMultiple Panes

If the selection is in a tab with multiple panes, and you amplify to a tab which also allows panes, Accordance usually opens the new tab with the same panes as the original tab, plus an additional pane for the search text if needed.

Amplify with a Triple-clickAmplify with a Triple-click

Triple-click on text or a reference in any Text or Tool pane to automatically amplify to the appropriate Tool selected via the Amplify area of the Preferences dialog box. You can set the default triple-click for English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Verse Reference, Greek Key Number, and Hebrew Key Number resources. If a drop-down list for one of these resources is not available, that type of resource is not installed.

  • For keyed texts, Shift+triple-click goes to the default English tool selected in the Amplify area of the Preferences dialog box.
  • For Greek and Hebrew texts, Shift+triple-click overrides (reverses) the current setting of the Include reference when amplifying item in the General area of the Preferences dialog box.
  • Press while triple-clicking to open the tool in a separate workspace.
  • If the word is not found in a search of the first tool, the other tools in the category are searched in turn until the word is found.