Merge Highlight Styles

You can merge an existing Highlights file (with all highlight styles in it) with a different Highlights file.

  1. On the File menu, choose Window>Highlights>Merge Highlight Files.

    The Merge Highlights menu can also be displayed by clicking Highlights (Highlights button on the Toolbar; opens the Highlights popover) on the Toolbar, or by pressing Opt++3 and selecting Merge Highlight Files from the Action menu (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ).
  2. In the Merge box, select the source Highlight file, that is, the file from which Accordance will take the content. At the end of the merge, this file is removed from the Highlights list.

    The original Highlight file is moved from its default location to the Backup Highlights folder located in the Accordance Files folder (Users/[Username]/Documents/Accordance Files/Backup Highlights).
  3. In the Into box, select the target Highlights file, that is, the file that will receive the content from the source file.
  4. Click OK. A message appears asking you to confirm the action.
  5. Once the merge is completed, the merged Highlights file keeps the name of the target highlight file.


If you are not sure that you want to merge the two highlight files, you may wish first to make a copy of the highlight files by duplicating them in the Finder.