The Instant Details

The Instant Details panel displays more information about the word, link, or place currently under the cursor. If the Instant Details are not open, the same information can be displayed via an Instant Details popover when you click and hold on a word or item.

When Accordance is first launched, the Instant Details panel is closed. Click Instant Details () on the toolbar to open the panel at the bottom of the workspace.


Whenever your cursor is placed over a word in a Bible text with Strong's numbers (such as the KJVS, NAS95S, or NIV-G/K), that word's Key number, along with the Greek or Hebrew word which it represents are displayed in the Instant Details.

If you place the cursor over a word in a grammatically tagged Greek or Hebrew text (such as the GNT-T, BHS-W4 or HMT, and LXX1), that word's lexical rootClosed A root is a unit of a language that cannot be further divided, from which words are derived by modification. The root does not necessarily survive as a word in itself. The Accordance roots may combine homographs and therefore a single root may include roots with different etymologies and meanings. In Hebrew, by convention, the lexical form (lemma) of a verb is the same as the root. (the form of the word usually found in a dictionary), its parsing information (e.g.: whether it is a noun, verb, adjective, etc.), and a brief English definition are displayed.