Find Information in the Help

To provide you with optimal access to all information, the Help files are viewed in a Web Browser Tab. The information you want is easily found by navigating the contents, or index pane on the left, or using the Search box at the top right. Content is dynamically displayed in the right pane.

Sometimes topics include links to other topics in the Help.

Pictures may be displayed as drop-down thumbnails. Simply click the thumbnail to show or hide the picture.

Most topics contain a lot of information. To help you locate the right information quickly, the information is often organized using drop-down text. Simply click the text to show or hide the desired information. This topic is a good example: click one of the items below to open up more information about how to work with these Help files. New or updated topics are highlighted in the table of contents of the Help with a yellow asterisk.

Buttons in the HelpButtons in the Help

Button Action
Print the displayed topic
Expand/hide all expanding text in the topic
Clear search highlights
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Terminology in the HelpTerminology in the Help

When reading the Help, special text conventions and terminology are used. Please familiarize yourself with this terminology if you are unclear as to what a specific set of instructions in the Help mean.

Menu CommandsMenu Commands

  • Commands, menu items, and labels that appear next to boxes on the screen are presented in a boldface font. For example, "Click OK" means "click on the OK button in the dialog box."
  • Consecutive commands from the same menu are presented one after the other, joined by a ">" sign. For example, "On the Display menu, choose Show Text As>Paragraphs" means "On the Display menu, choose Show Text As and then choose Paragraphs."


Do not confuse this use of the “>” symbol with use of the same symbol in Accordance itself for entering commands in the Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area and elsewhere.

Shortcut Menus, Pop-Up Menus, and Icon Button CommandsShortcut Menus, Pop-Up Menus, and Icon Button Commands

  • Instructions for accessing shortcut menus are written as follows: "Right-click and choose xxx", where xxx is the option in the shortcut menuClosed Also known as a contextual menu, acessed by right-clicking (or pressing Ctrl+Click, Mac only) over a screen element. The Ctrl+Click keyboard and mouse combination functions the same as a right-click.
  • Instructions for accessing pop-up or drop-down menus are written as follows: “Click and choose xxx,” where xxx is the option in the pop-up or drop-down menu.
  • Instructions for accessing a particular icon button command on a tab are written as follows: "Click XXX X on the tab", where XXX is the name of the command and X is a picture of the icon or the text command.

Keyboard Shortcuts in the HelpKeyboard Shortcuts in the Help

  • A single (text) keyboard command is written between dashes. For example, "Press Ctrl" means "Press the Control button on the keyboard."
  • All keyboard combinations (also termed "shortcut keys") are presented in abbreviated form and joined by a bold plus sign “+.“ The "+" sign means "while holding down the previous key, press the next key." For example, Ctrl+C means "while holding down the Control key, press C." Other symbols and abbreviations used when referring to shortcut keys are shown in the table below.
  • The arrow keys on your keyboard are indicated by the following bolded text:, , , .
Key In Software Symbol or Text in Help Example Meaning


Press the Command key and C at the same time




Press the Option key, Command key, and C at the same time




Press the Control key, Command key, and C at the same time



Press the Shift key, Command key, and A at the same time

Esc Esc

Press the Escape key

Del Del

Press the Delete key

  Tab Tab Press the Tab key

Mouse CommandsMouse Commands

Throughout the text, the following terminology is used with regard to mouse commands.

Mouse Command Meaning
Click Click once with the left mouse button
Double-Click Click twice, rapidly in succession, with the left mouse button
Triple-Click Click three times, rapidly in succession, with the left mouse button
Right-Click Click once with the right mouse button
Click and hold Refers to the action of pressing and holding down the left mouse button as it hovers over a particular screen elementClosed Any part of an application that is visible, such as workspaces, menu bars, or windows (as opposed to a quick click with the mouse).
Opt+Click, Ctrl+Click, and similar Press the option key while clicking, or press the control key while clicking. Another example would be: "Press Shift+Ctrl+Click, which means to press the shift and control keys while clicking.

How to Use the Help (Search, Index, and More)How to Use the Help (Search, Index, and More)

Accordance Help provides you with several ways to find the information you need quickly.

Hide/Show the Left Navigation PanelHide/Show the Left Navigation Panel

If desired, you can hide or show the left navigation panel. To do so:

Click the tab separating the Navigation pane from the Topic pane. Click the tab again to reopen the Navigation pane.

Search the HelpSearch the Help

You can perform simple and complex searches via the Search box at the top right of the Help. To do so:

  1. Enter the desired word or phrase in the Search box.
  1. Click the Search button (). A new page opens listing all topics matching your search criteria.
  1. Click the topic which seems most relevant to your search. The topic is displayed in the right panel.
  2. To find the specific search string in the selected topic, press +F and re-enter the search words. The desired words are highlighted in the topic.

Using the Glossary TabUsing the Glossary Tab

The Glossary is used to quickly find definitions of words, specific to Accordance Bible Software. To use the Glossary:

  1. Click the Glossary tab. The Glossary is displayed in the left navigation pane.
  1. Click a term to display its definition.
  2. Click the term again to hide the definition.

Using the Index TabUsing the Index Tab

You can look for specific information by clicking keywords in the Index. To do so:

  1. Click the Index tab. The Index is displayed in the left navigation panel.
  1. Scroll through the list to find the desired term.
  1. Click the desired term. The topic with the term in it appears in the topic panel.
  2. To find a specific term in the Index, press +F and re-enter the search words. The desired words are highlighted in the topic.


If a term is inside drop-down text, the drop-down text does not automatically open. You must manually click the text to display the term in that part of the help.

Return to Help Welcome Splash PageReturn to Help Welcome Splash Page

To quickly return to the Accordance Help splash page, click the Accordance Bible Software logo on the top left of the Help.

Navigating between Sequential TopicsNavigating between Sequential Topics

You can navigate quickly between sequential topics by clicking Previous Topic () or Next Topic () on the Help toolbar. The navigation sequence is as shown in the Table of Contents.

Related Topic LinksRelated Topic Links

If there is additional task-related, conceptual, or reference information available regarding the currently displayed topic, links appear at the bottom of the page. Always look at the bottom of the topic for more information such as a different task or details about a dialog box that the topic may be referring to.

Information of common interest is also provided at the very bottom of each topic (such as What's New, and a link to our website).

Reference Materials

Help Tags